Article 11 and 13
There are various features of the technology that have been developed, and they can be used in various areas to make work easier. The internet is one result of technology which entails the different interconnection networks. The presence of the internet has led to availability if different types of information on various issues. As much as the internet has been significant in the current world, certain shortcomings are associated with it. Since there is a lot of information on the internet, many people tend to edit other people's work to make it their own (Walker & Depoorter 2014). Voting on this matter was done in Strasbourg, and the MEP voted in favor of the change in article 11 and 13 (Joyce et al. The high vote means that the power of the internet giants that is Google, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube would be cut down and the amount information that they were sharing will be regulated so that they cannot share other people's work without their knowledge (Joyce et al.
The development of article 11 and 13 will help in the enhancement of media ethics. The media ethics will be enhanced in the sense that information that has been created by other people will be protected. Therefore, one has to ask for permission before he or she uses information that belongs to another person. Therefore, such companies are expected to come up with a way that they can pay the original owners of these works so that they can avoid violating the law. Not only will these companies be affected but also individuals. Several people post information on social media for various reason such as blogging. Most of the information that these individuals use is derived from the internet. Some people will use information that he or she has found without changing anything.
Under the revised article 11, individuals will not be expected to pay a person when they linked back to his or her work. When someone's work is linked on a website, it is a sign that credit has been given to it. The presence of this law has been advantageous to the original content creator because they will be paid for their works and they will be given credit that will make many people visit their work (Stamatoudi and Torremans 2014). However, this law has had tremendous effects especially on social media websites such as the search engines. Since Google focuses on sharing information from other sites, it protested that it would remove the google new services from Europe because they will have to pay for a lot of information (Stamatoudi and Torremans 2014).
Such individuals would then benefit from these works more than the original creators (Stamatoudi and Torremans 2014). Many people found this issue to be unfair, and they welcomed the development of the copyright law that would protect their work, and other people earn from their work. The development of article 13 will have to bother positive and negative impacts. The positive effects that will be experienced as a result of this rule are that the works of many people will be protected. Any person who would want to use information that is not theirs would then obtain copyright right by paying the original creator of the information (Walker & Depoorter 2014). The other problem that is associated with this rule is that it will kill the freedom of expression of many people only social media (Savola 2014).
Many people are going through various situations, and sometimes they feel the need to express themselves so that they can find a solution to their problems (Walker & Depoorter 2014). Such individuals might opt for social media to express themselves. These individuals might go ahead and use information that has been created by other people for expression. However, these people will suffer a set back because they will not be able to express themselves using other people's content because social media sites will prevent information. Many parties rely on derivative work to come up with different issues. One such party is the textbook publishers who rely mostly on content found online to develop their work. Some of their works are then sold online as eBook or journals. The presence of article 13 will affect the publishers in the sense that when they post these eBooks or journals, they will be removed because they have some content that matches online information (Walker & Depoorter 2014).
The publishers would have to concentrate on the piece of information that they and they might not provide quality work to their audience if they had used the contents found online. The internet has come up with different website whereby information can be found easily. However, there are certain incidences whereby individual might use the works that have been created by other people. The vice has been deemed unfair because some people have benefited greatly from using other people's work to create their content. This factor has led to the establishment of copyright laws. The presence of copyright laws has been effective because people will be paid for their work or they will be given credit. This element will affect the freedom of expression as well as satire. Also, the development of this rule will force most technology companies to be responsible for the content that is found within their sites for the first time in history.
This development of these two laws has had both negative and positive effect on the derivative work. Derivative work involves obtaining information from another place to create content. Several parties that depend on the derivative work will be affected. Tech. Intell. Prop. iii. Retrieved from: https://heinonline. W. Leaffer, M. A. Jaszi, P. Copyright law (p. cfm?abstract_id=2432248 Stamatoudi, I. Torremans, P. Eds. EU copyright law: A commentary. Edward Elgar Publishing.
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