Cabin in the woods film analysis
Movie Synopsis The movie "Cabin in the woods" is a horror film developed in 2012 comprising a group of college learners who leave for a remote forest cabin where they encounter zombies alongside two technicians who manipulate events from a facility underneath the cabin (Whedon et al 2). The technicians have a regimen of technical installations that help them manage the entire area and as such administer mind-altering drugs on the hapless students. These drugs diminish the students' ability to think and act rationally and raise their libido. The technicians bet on the kind of monsters that would attack the students and hold deep discussions as to the success of similar rituals in other countries. On going through the contents of the cabin, the students recite incantations that ultimately summon zombified Buckner family.
The movie depicts characters based on specific stereotypes like "the fool," "the jock," "the virgin" and "the whore. Despite the movie having a normal style, the events in the movie force the characters to assume genre-prescribed roles ascribed in an ordinary horror film. However, this movie breaks away from this established train of thought as the characters hardly assume these prescribed roles. For instance, the jock who traditionally assumes the role of the foolish individual has a degree in quantum physics. The Virgin" was not a typical virgin, just innocent, and the fool plays the role of the character who leads other characters into figuring out what was going on in the movie owing to his intoxication in marijuana. The creator of the film acknowledges the traditions and demystifies them considering that they do not make sense in the context of post-modernism.
Analysis "The Cabin in the Woods" refers to a two-way mirror that exposes the content and the audience. The film acknowledges and rejects the structure that keeps it together by ridiculing people who commission movies, criticizing writers who structure horror movies, and sheds light on the audience charged with the responsibility to watch such films. At a rudimentary level, "Cabin in the Woods," comprises of a cliché theme. However, this essay digs deeper to expose to reveal that below the cabin reside entities that initially ruled the area by causing death and destruction. Despite this coming out as a sarcastic remark, Gary means this as a compliment by acknowledging the trope of the genre that one of the characters has to be simplistic and in the process becomes the first to die.
The creators demystify the traditional sense of horror films by equipping the facility with pheromones and electric shocks alongside the character's behavior. The movie corresponds with conventional tropes by ensuring the characters split up or drop essential weapons in their predicaments. In "Cabin in the woods," Dana remains alive, on inquisition by an intern at the facility how the ritual may be over yet one of the characters lives on, Steve interjects, and states, "The Virgin's death is an option as long as it lasts. The main thing is that she suffers. As the remaining characters battle to survive, they find themselves in the heart of the facility where they come across ‘The Director' who rightfully corresponds to the film crew who details the nature of the cabin and in the process alludes to the traditional structure of modernist horror films.
The director states, "It is different for every culture and it has changed over the years. It always requires youth. For a horror film, there must be at least five youth. The whore- she is corrupt and the first to die, the athlete, the scholar, and the fool. During an initial comedic moment, the fool has a telescopic bong that when compressed assumes a coffee thermos. As the film proceeds, the fool utilizes the thermos as a weapon against attacking zombies. The creators of the horror movie allude to everything seeming in a particular manner. Cabin in the woods is a film about other films in that it is a representation of representations. It has achieved this status by conforming to the traditional sense of plot development using stereotypes, warnings for characters not to proceed in specific directions, the gradual death of characters, and the last scenes depicting a survivor.
J. Rutgers University Press, 2004. Print. Whedon, Joss, Drew Goddard, and Abbie Bernstein. The Cabin in the Woods: The Official Visual Companion.
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