Artificial intelligence in health and healthcare

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Computer Science

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Case studies 5 1. Use of Human intelligence in making a decision 5 1. AI in healthcare 5 1. The use of AI in controlling Diabetic 8 1. The contribution of AI in healthcare 9 1. A risk associated with new and exceptional health case 14 1. Risks exclusively associated to the doctors and patients 14 1. Challenges associated with Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 15 1. The adoption process 15 1. Training cost associated with AI 15 1. In most cases, it is not the disease which kills people. However, the progression to the advanced stages further compromises the health of individuals, which culminates in death. The implementation of AI makes it possible to detect the diseases at the initial stages, and that makes it possible to implement the right medication. More so, the early detection cuts on the economic burden as well as the severity of the disease. Introduction A number of automated systems exist, which improves on the manner in which health practitioners handle their daily activities.

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The next content offers a comprehensive review of the importance of AI as well as machine learning in improving the healthcare sector. The areas covered are from diagnosis until the treatment of various ailments. Can you imagine the state of life before the emergence of machine learning? Ideally, the developments are visible and of late, a number of aspects such as image retrieval, weather forecasting, and language recognition among other technological advancements surface. Those are but just a few examples. The shift is therefore on the importance of machine learning and AI in healthcare as well as biological discovery. These diseases are likely to compile within any treatment from the initial stages. The use of AI offers a platform on the best treatment protocol to implement. Case studies 1. Use of Human intelligence in making a decision According to human intelligence, a person will always present an intellectual capacity, which helps in making a decision.

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Key attributes which make a person better placed to make rational judgments includes self-awareness, consciousness, volition as well as perception. Even though AI is old technology, most individuals regard it as an innovative process. One of the advantages of such a development hinges on the possibility of improving accuracy and speed in healthcare delivery. Medical decision support systems stand as some of the most common machine programs which play a crucial role in helping medical practitioners to improve on decision-making processes. The approach improves the diagnosis processes and suggests the most effective medicine for various patients. With the help of Patient-Center Health IS, it is possible to offer a restoration which helps in data creation and manipulation (Jha and Eric 40). However, that is never the case in the contemporary society since high-risk patients are able to obtain the necessary check concurrently (Verghese et al.

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The system makes it possible to hear the question in the specialist’s voice at various intervals and offer the best response to foster an understanding. The ability to record the patient’s reactions makes it possible to have a real-time processing or batch processing depending on the condition as well as the need of the patient. The ability to codify AI and voice technology makes it possible to improve the entire process of healthcare delivery. The utilization of the DTMF is also helpful during the transmission of data. A number of techniques exist to help in the process which includes cell biology, organ therapy, robotic surgery and genomics among others. The past decade has been encompassed with medical advances which brought about technology to change the dynamics in the medical field.

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For instance, there is the printing of skin cells which plays a crucial role in improving wound healing. California-based medics also played a crucial role in the formulation of an artificial eye. The moves make it possible for those with vision impairment to get an opportunity of living a healthy life once more. Even though critics exist on matters related to AI, it is prudent to note that the evolution of AI will assist doctors in delivering healthcare services in the most effective manner, contrary to the replacement debates which most people consider. The use of AI in controlling Diabetic In various parts of the world, it is apparent that Diabetics is one of the leading complications which needs the best treatment methods to improve the quality of life. The progression of the chronic disease makes it necessary to improvise treatment methods in various parts of the world.

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The high blood sugar in one of the aspects which makes it necessary for doctors to remain vigilant since it is likely to rise at any given point in time. How the blood sugar level manifests is an aspect with a broader consideration. Even though these applications are helpful, there is a need to understand how they operate in saving lives. The contribution of AI in healthcare Need for quality healthcare is growing in the contemporary society with the emergence of various complications as well as the rapid growth in population. Hence, there is the need for the right intervention to cater for the demands. With the implementation of AI technologies, a lot can be achieved, which further improves the living standard of individuals. Virtual Health Assistant The implementation of VHA in various healthcare facilities will proactively help patients in various parts of the world.

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With the emergence of AI, there is the possibility of improving the diagnosis. The use of AI aided medical approach plays a crucial role in reading the CT scan. It also has the ability to interpret the x-rays results and offer the best support needed. In China, for instance, the existing technology can find the existence of suspicious lesions as well as nodules which might result in lung cancer. Once doctors are aware of the situation, it is possible to recommend early diagnosis. The practitioners get a real-time notification and can respond to the concerns. The particular patient gets the information on the best medication as well as the right doss. Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare A number of benefits exist due to the implementation of AI in healthcare. Still, future advancements will further revolutionize the sector and improve service delivery (Iqbal et al.

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It is the role of the healthcare providers to remain vigilant in service delivery. The implementation of the virtual assistant in healthcare is one of the platforms which embrace the move. Asking questions and getting the response in real-me makes customers satisfied and able to get the right medication as fast as possible (Iqbal et al. The service also acts as a reminder, and that further reinforces service delivery in healthcare. Physicians are also not left behind. It is not possible to know every detail. With the implementation of AI, it is possible to design a treatment approach that caters to the needs of every stakeholder in the facility. Doctors have the opportunity to search the database and look for any other information which is relevant at that particular time. Patients also can search for previous recommendations concerning the condition.

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Hence, it is apparent that both doctors, as well as patients, get the opportunity to explore what they need. That helps in creating a plan to meet the needs of the individuals. However, there is a need to make the system up-to-date in any given instance. Being updated to match the new health cases makes it possible to meet the demands of the facility. Ideally, having a program with the capabilities of learning the data it contains has an added advantage, and that should be a priority when using AI in healthcare. Training and updating the programs is the best way to identify any exceptional as well new heath care. Risks exclusively associated to the doctors and patients System development and design frequently go through an iteration. Training cost associated with AI Even though AI is relatively old, its application in healthcare is still a new approach.

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That brings the need to train doctors on what should be worked on to ensure success. Moreover, patients are mostly affected since most of them should be trained from scratch to understand the applicability of the system. Imagine if the implication of having a robot in giving the technology. It is evident that accepting a robot in offering technology can be demanding on various occasions. Its implementation in healthcare will present positive impacts not only doctors but also patients (Hamet and Johanne 37). The fact that the system can analyze a considerate high amount of data makes it possible to simplify operations and get the necessary results within the shortest period. The ability to have a faster diagnosis, for instance, makes it possible to obtain the necessary result. It is apparent that some individuals are not able to get specialized healthcare services.

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The utilization AI will highly benefit such individuals. The reduction in mortality rate that arises due to the implementation of technology calls for the support of every stakeholder to improve on the treatment approaches. In the current health care preview, it emerged that AI is one of the developing sectors which adds value to significant healthcare demands. The report is helpful since it outlined the necessary steps to ensure growth in the sector. Moreover, the section under recommendations helps in offering insight into the possible state of AI in future. That is helpful in understanding the scope of its implementation and dissemination. Verghese, Abraham, Nigam H. Shah, and Robert A. Harrington. What this computer needs is a physician: humanism and artificial intelligence.  Jama 319.

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