Nursing Informatics Implementation Managerial Paper

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Computer Science

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It has also promoted patient-centred care and home-care services. It has also created a niche for nursing informatics students who help in using the systems to deliver services in healthcare organizations. Therefore, it is recommended that hospitals develop and implement nursing informatics programs such as Electronic health records to improve the delivery of patient care services. Developing a Nursing Informatics Program Electronic health records is a system that is used to collect, store and enable the retrieval of patients’ medical information. The EHR program is essential in a hospital setting. The project manager works closely with the staff involved and the vendor to ensure tasks are completed on time and manage day to day activities. A superuser is the expert in the new EHR system and helps in configuring the software, creating templates and developing standard operating procedures to address issues raised by the users (eHealth Technologies, n.

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d. EHR implementation planning At this phase, the team analyzes the current workflows and processes, creates new workflow patterns based on the new EHR system, identify data elements that need to be entered. The team also creates a backup plan in case of a system breakdown, and identify possible security and privacy issues and develop a plan to address them (eHealth Technologies, n. d. The staff starts to use the EHR system, and maintaines a journal of experience and processes to keep track of activities. Evaluation The performance measures are validated in this stage to ensure meaningful use of the EHR system is achieved. The solutions suggested in the planning phase are monitored to ensure they can improve the safety, quality, and efficiency of healthcare services. They are also monitored to ensure improved care coordination, engage patients and families, and that they provide privacy and security for patients’ data.

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The hackers may use the data to demand ransom from healthcare organizations or risk exposing the data. Sometimes staff’s negligence towards protecting patient’s data may lead to security breaches. Instances of data exposure may cost healthcare organizations huge fines. For instance, a report indicated that a laptop was stolen from a medical staff resulting to breach of patient healthcare information. Boston teaching hospital was penalized $1. The American Nurses Association also outlined a code of conduct that outlines the duties and responsibilities of practitioners in protecting patients’ confidentiality. A breach of the code of conduct could lead to the prosecution of the involved clinician (WALLACE, 2015). Besides, healthcare organizations that breach the HIPAA and HITECH laws should face huge penalties in fines. Security measures and policies to protect data from security breaches should be applied during the implementation of the EHR system.

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Such measures include antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection software. They also direct the project team towards valuable end-user stakeholders. End-users are clinicians who understand the requirements of the system. Consultation with the clinicians will help to ensure the end product works as required. System vendors ensure a smooth integration of the system to the existing hardware and also provide training manuals for the new systems. Patients are also key stakeholders for the project since it is designed to impact them directly (Kushan, 2017). During the implementation of the EHR program, it is important to involve stakeholders from the following fields, financial department, medical leaders, clinicians, vendors, and patients. The stakeholders play a major role in ensuring the success of the implementation process and support its use in the long run. References eHealth Technologies.

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n. d. Available at: https://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC4394583/ [Accessed 4 Oct. and Dietsche, E.  EHR and Security Concerns. online] MedCity News. Available at: https://medcitynews. com/2012/09/ehr-and-security-concerns/?rf=1 [Accessed 4 Oct.

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