Attitude towards psychology
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Management
Frequency histogram and bivariate scatter plot was created to graphically explore the correlation. In addition, correlations and shared variances are calculated to further analyse the relationship between the two variables. The result revealed that the strongest positive correlation was observed between the tests performance on people’s degree of agreement on Question 2. This suggests that people who considered psychology as some form of “science” tends to perform better on test. The Relationship of People’s Attitude towards Psychology and Their Psychological Knowledge Psychological research, regardless of the specific topic of study, is based upon the same scientific principles as the other “hard” sciences like physics and chemistry. Questions on their test invited common sense but incorrect answers. Out of a possible score of 38, psychology students scored highest with an average score of 17.
while engineering students scored lowest with 11. Martin et al. also found that engineering students were least likely to regard psychology as one of the hard sciences or even one of the social sciences. What evidence would you use to determine which Question’s responses are most closely associated with Misconceptions Test scores? I will use the Pearson’s correlation to calculate the strength of all the relationship between the three Question’s responses and the Misconceptions Test. The one with closest R-value to “one” is considered the one most closely associated with the Misconceptions Test score. Method Participants A total of 323 undergraduates that was reduced to 145 (102 female, 43 male) who were enrolled in an introductory psychology course PSYC1040 at The University of Queensland participated in the study. Although the students were encouraged to participate for the preparation of their research report, the experiment was voluntary.
Participants’ ages ranged from 17 to 42 years (M=19. Their tutor instructed the participants to fill out the questionnaire individually and in the order, they are presented (including the demographic details). After completion, participants were instructed to calculate their total score and write it clearly on their questionnaire. Result The result of the study was explored through frequency histograms and bivariate scatter plots. While the frequency histogram for Q1 and Q2 are negatively skewered (Appendix D & E), graph for Q3 is positively skewered. Appendix F). SD=26. They also agreed relatively strongly for Q2, m= 66. SD= 31. l. Q3 was rated lowest, m= 40. Appendix N) an inverse relationship between agreement with Q3 and the test was observed, r= -. r2 =-. Appendix M& P) Discussion The correlation between Q2 and the Misconception Test shared variance of 44%.
These suggest that people with stronger response that “psychology is one of the social sciences” achieved higher score on the Misconception Test. Q1 also had high shared variance of 28%, which means people who responded stronger to the statement that “psychology is one of the sciences” also achieved higher scores. Personality and Individual Differences, 22, 771-774 McCutcheon, L. E. Furnham, A. Davis, G. A cross-national comparison of students' misconceptions about psychology. On the average, you cannot predict from a person’s grades at school and college whether he or she will do well in a career. Highly intelligent people -- “geniuses”--tend to be physically frail and socially isolated. Most national and ethnic stereotypes are completely false. In small amounts alcohol is a stimulant. LSD causes chromosome damage. The more highly motivated you are, the better you will do at solving a complex problem.
The best way to ensure that a desired behavior will persist after training is completed is to reward the behavior every single time it occurs throughout training (rather than intermittently). A schizophrenic is someone with a split personality. If behavior Y is always preceded by stimulus X, then X can be inferred to cause Y. A statistically significant result is sufficient to prove the researcher’s hypothesis. Individuals who participate in dangerous or aggressive sports are typically less well-adjusted than those who avoid these sports. Appendix C Participant # Age Gender Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Misconceptions Test Score 1 19 F 20 50 65 15 2 21 F 90 99 40 20 3 18 M 80 100 10 23 4 25 F 100 100 20 -19 5 34 F 50 10 75 13 6 18 F 10 10 40 15 7 17 M 90 90 5 23 8 20 F 20 30 50 17 9 18 F 20 10 100 8 10 21 F 50 75 50 18 11 18 F 70 50 70 17 12 42 F 100 100 50 19 13 18 F 100 100 16 27 14 18 M 100 100 75 23 15 25 M 100 100 10 26 16 19 F 50 20 75 16 17 21 F 60 60 40 18 18 23 M 80 100 50 23 19 19 F 100 75 45 20 20 17 F 100 50 25 18 21 21 M 100 100 1 21 22 19 F 100 100 1 22 23 27 F 80 80 90 11 24 18 F 100 50 1 26 25 18 M 100 100 30 20 26 18 F 20 70 90 12 27 19 F 5 50 75 14 28 18 F 100 70 35 21 29 21 F 35 5 99 13 30 24 M 100 100 1 24 31 18 F 50 40 50 17 32 18 F 95 95 30 25 33 19 F 100 50 1 23 34 18 F 90 90 10 26 35 23 F 75 100 20 26 36 18 F 60 35 50 17 37 18 M 100 50 50 28 38 22 F 100 100 1 34 39 20 F 85 10 25 16 40 19 F 90 35 80 17 41 17 F 100 100 50 20 42 19 M 50 25 50 16 43 17 F 60 5 50 15 44 17 F 80 100 50 20 45 18 F 80 60 20 20 46 18 F 33 1 99 14 47 17 F 99 99 1 24 48 18 F 30 30 40 16 49 23 F 75 50 40 22 50 22 M 100 75 25 32 51 19 M 100 100 55 19 52 21 M 75 75 40 23 53 18 F 100 100 30 20 54 19 F 70 14 30 16 55 17 F 100 100 1 22 56 18 F 50 25 100 17 57 28 F 93 12 45 16 58 20 M 60 100 25 24 59 19 F 100 100 25 26 60 18 F 70 100 25 33 61 17 M 50 60 40 19 62 17 F 65 -10 75 14 63 20 M 10 100 80 19 64 18 M 80 45 30 17 65 18 F 90 80 20 23 66 21 M 50 15 40 14 67 19 M 0 100 50.
F 60 100 15 26 69 18 F 100 100 50 24 70 19 F 70 20 65 14 71 19 M 19 58 50 20 72 18 M 80 40 100 12 73 18 F 80 50 50 18 74 18 F 50 75 30 24 75 19 M 40 10 99 14 76 18 F 100 100 15 28 77 18 F 70 90 20 26 78 18 F 50 100 50 21 79 19 F 100 80 20 21 80 19 F 80 80 50 18 81 20 F 70 100 40 19 82 18 F 100 50 45 18 83 18 F 10 20 90 8 84 18 F 100 65 10 25 85 17 F 100 100 10 25 86 21 F 100 100 1 24 87 19 F 100 100 50 23 88 18 F 25 30 60 14 89 19 F 80 90 40 19 90 18 F 80 10 40 14 91 18 F 30 30 95 9 92 17 F 100 100 60 23 93 18 M 30 100 50 20 94 22 M 100 50 25 22 95 18 M 50 80 50 18 96 20 F 70 70 20 42 97 18 F 100 75 50 24 98 19 M 90 45 10 17 99 21 M 80 80 10 21 100 19 M 40 20 100 12 101 19 F 20 15 75 13 102 17 F 80 50 65 17 103 18 F 70 80 15 20 104 17 F 100 25 30 15 105 18 F 90 75 30 20 106 19 F 85 70 20 26 107 18 F 100 50 15 21 108 17 F 100 65 19 24 109 18 F 100 50 55 18 110 29 M 75 100 25 28 111 23 M 100 25 10 22 112 18 F 90 90 60 18 113 17 M 100 100 50 21 114 19 M 100 50 30 25 115 19 M 101 80 10 25 116 18 F 75 25 45 15 117 20 M 75 100 1 23 118 21 M 100 90 25 29 119 26 F 89 89 20 26 120 18 F 90 25 45 22 121 17 F 88 95 15 21 122 34 F 100 100 35 20 123 18 F 50 20 75 10 124 19 F 80 100 25 20 125 18 F 40 1 10 20 126 21 F 70 50 45 17 127 19 M 100 60 35 22 128 18 F 100 60 30 22 129 20 M 40 20 70 14 130 19 M 50 75 10 25 131 23 F 89 97 34 27 132 26 F 80 100 20 26 133 19 M 59 68 50 21 134 18 M 70 60 10 30 135 18 F 75 90 15 30 136 17 F 95 95 55 22 137 19 M 70 60 50 17 138 22 M 100 100 65 19 139 20 F 60 85 50 24 140 19 F 50 60 50 18 141 18 F 30 40 50 16 142 28 F 40 80 60 25 143 22 F 80 100 25 24 144 19 M 60 30 75 15 145 18 M 90 90 60 18 146 19 M 85 100 20 27 147 18 F 90 90 30 25 148 31 F 100 100 20 21 149 17 F 70 70 30 24 150 17 F 25 90 30 21 APPENDIX D: APPENDIX E: APPENDIX F: APPENDIX G: APPENDIX H: APPENDIX I: APPENDIX J: APPENDIX K X-M_x Y-M_x Z_x Z_y (Z_x)(Z_y) -54. Σ Z_x Z_y = 76. R= R= R=0.
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