Bank Muscat comprehensive change

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The vision of the Bank Muscat is to deliver long-term benefits to the community and nation as well as positively impacting on the society. Bank Muscat has been gradually growing and expanding over the years and the current number of employees it has stands at three thousand and twenty-four. However, in as much as it seems to be an established financial institution, it has undergone its fair share of challenges and some changes are required for the betterment of the bank (Kumar & Shehryar, 2017). The Bank’s Challenge The main challenge for Bank Muscat in the recent past has been employees’ encounter with difficult customers. A lot of staff have been raising concerns that the clients who stream in for financial services have increasingly grown agitated for reasons that may not be well-known to the workers.

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The resultant effect was that a good number of people closed down their bank accounts. Another major reason was the insecurity amongst the public that their accounts could be in danger. This notion developed as a result of the global threat that had begun manifesting itself in the banking sector. Coupled with delays at the bank, it was justifiable for such customers to become agitated. However, Bank Muscat was to respond to these allegations and stated that there is no threat whatsoever to the security details of the bank accounts of the clients who are served by this bank. Employee rotation is also vital in a situation like this to break the monotony of the staff. Sometimes the workers remain sited in a similar place for years and it becomes boring thereby reducing the efficiency of the employees.

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This can have an effect on how they operate their daily activities thereby posing a real threat to the clients because once a staff member is not in good mood this can have a bad effect on the customer. This describes the essence of rotating the workers, to avoid the rippling effect of monotony spilling over to the clients in form of frustrations. With this in consideration, it is also important to change the systems of the bank like computers since these are what brought about the problem of slow service to the clients. Change Management Activity Effectiveness This is very important in measuring the change itself. The activities for change in the case of Bank Muscat are fixing the old slow systems. By virtue of examining the effectiveness of newly fixed systems, it is already a move towards establishing whether there is a change in general.

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When computers begin working faster than the older ones that caused the occurrence if the problem originally, then this is an implication that the change activity is effective and consequently, the change, in general, is also expected to be taking effect as well. The change activities, therefore, are good indicators of the actual change. e. The Adoption Rate The rate of adoption by the clients to the new group of employees is paramount in explaining the effectiveness of change. Before the emergence of the problem of difficult customers, people were used to a different group of staff. Introduction of a new one will imply that the usual clients of the bank will have to start creating ways of interaction with the current group, which may be slightly different from the previous.

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If they can freely interact with the new employees who come after rotation, then the change can be termed as successful (Shea, et, al. This will have a positive impact on their levels of performance. It is equally important to change the systems that are slow and problematic in order for the bank to gain the confidence of the public back. References Abbott, L. J. Daugherty, B. Organizational Change: An Action Oriented Toolkit.  South Asian Journal of Management, 22(4), 197. Shea, C. M. Jacobs, S.

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