Blood pressure management
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
Most cases of patients living with hypertension have limited control. The degree of detection, treatment, control and awareness has unclear path worldwide. Treatment on these patients can be through medication, lifestyle changes or adoption of the two methods. The level of adherence to medicine among these patients has remained an area of research. World Health Organization has highlighted there is a low adherence to medication among these patients being a hindrance to quality control of this illness. Men and women within this age limit have a greater awareness of hypertension and its treatment. Current surveys have shown the disease to be on the rise due to changes in life styles, awareness of antihypertensive, pharmacological control and urbanization (Bromfield et al, 2014). The levels of hypertension awareness, effective or ineffective treatment among other factors influence have given need for the research.
To examine the prevalence of hypertension and its possible causes, a range of data collection methods were used. Stagic process was used beginning with stratified sampling was used to elicit respondents to source data from. The study is essentially to find out the possible interlink between hypertension and changes in lifestyle such feeding habits, habitual drinking, smoking among others. Respondents’ informed consent was obtained prior to the actual research. They were informed on the needs of the research and the possible tools be administered when conducting the research. Besides, respondents, secondary such as published materials were used. Referrals from previous researches were made in use. Information collected related to diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. Besides, knowledge on its awareness on treatment and living habits patterns were gotten. Furthermore, demographic attributes as gender, age, race, education, occupation, and household income was obtained (Bromfield et al, 2014).
All individuals involved in the research were taken through a training program meant to orient them to the scope of the research. Besides, they were given opportunity to familiarize with the study equipment before the actual work. The level of hypertension awareness, under antihypertensive medications, hypertension controlled and controlled. Among these areas, 44. were aware of their diagnosis, 24. were under medical prescriptions to lower their blood pressure and only 8. achieved a significance control of their BP. Among the adults especially those over 80 years recorded an increase in the levels of low blood pressure of <60mm Hg. Low blood pressure is associated with increased vulnerability to stroke and cardiovascular disease (Bromfield et al, 2014). Active treatment through antihypertensive medication among the aged reduce the risks of stroke, cardiovascular attack and heart failures among the elderly.
There is a decrease in the levels of ISH depicting a rise in controlled hypertension. of patients with their BP < 140/90 mm Hg were antihypertensive medication and 28. This is quite demanding and time consuming. Transcribed data at times may not be accurate as the original data collected from the field. Transcribers experience difficulties to annotate through quotation, sentence structures and sometimes are forced to use personal judgments. References Bromfield, S. G. Trends in hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control among US adults 80 years and older, 1988–2010. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 16(4), 270-276. Go, A. S. Bauman, M. An effective approach to high blood pressure control: a science advisory from the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 63(12), 1230-1238.
Polonia, J. Martins, L. Pinto, F. American journal of hypertension, 27(11), 1355-1361.
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