Brand and corporate communication

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

Loss of market influence is among the most frustrating moments in business that cause head scratching and anxiety due to consistent erosion of sales as new competitors emerge and consumer behavior changes. Having an effective campaign plan that if focused on rebranding and rebuilding back a business market influence is essential in the event that a company has the potential of rising above the competition. This study will critically apply Corporate Communications Mix strategies to plan a campaign with a mentality of regaining Aunty Anne's lost business market share. The study will also outline how Corporate Social Responsibility plays a key role in rising against competition and how to measure the benefits of the campaign in connection to the brand position in the market. Corporate Communications Mix In this era of the rise in technology and mass communications, it is important for organizations to come up with an adequate mix in the context of marketing communications in order to maintain its brand awareness.

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The end goal of this strategy is to develop positive expectations that resonate with the mind of potential customers (Bararia, 2018). Its careful messaging and credibility give this strategy the power to improve a brand image and reputation through well-planned campaigns. In connection to Aunty Anne’s business, this campaign strategy can be implemented to improve brand awareness. Because of its dynamic services, the application of PR can help rebuild and rebrand Aunty Anne’s business products in order to foster a good relationship with the current and old clients. PR serves as the best way to rebuild the image of a brand, especially one that collapse due to its ability to restore and maintain the reputation of the business (Todorova, 2015). This is also one way a business can use to challenge its competitors by standing out from rivals hence improving brand reputation resulting in increased product demand and profit for longer periods of time.

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The application of sponsorship strategy can be effective in the case of Aunty Anne's business based on the grounds that it has the power to interact with the targeted audience deeply and spark brand awareness. This is because it has the power to influence lives in a positive way through the experience associated with the event. This is a potential marketing tool and using this tool for Aunty Anne’s band rebuilding and reputation can engage audiences that might have been difficult to reach through other communication means. It is able to reach various marketing objectives that contribute to the bottom line growth of a business market share (Dolge and Marmbrandt, 2012). Aunty Anne’s business can use this strategy to maintain well engagement audience that is active and public in order to influence customer decisions.

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This can be achieved by improving online visibility since the business is experiencing low product demand to improve brand ranking. This can also be done by eliminating negative social media material that might affect the business negatively (Netta, 2015). This is an essential strategy to enhance customer credibility as well strengthening brand trust in areas and regions that the brand experience less demand. Key Stakeholders Stakeholders can be defined as parties with a huge interest in connection to an organization with the potential to be affected or affect the business. This will result in effective service delivery with the aim to satisfy customers demand according to specified preferences. External Stakeholders These group of stakeholders seems to be complex to identify, especially considering the fact that they do not have a direct link with the business.

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However, external stakeholders can be defined as the people that the business affects as a result of its operation. Examples of external stakeholders in the named business include the government, community, and supplies (Gaur, 2013). Therefore, successful implementation of this campaign means the business will be held accountable for increased tax rates paid to the government. Through CSR, employees feel a sense of being connected with the world outside their work, establishing a lasting bond between staff and the corporation through improving morale and performance. A corporate needs to first be able to be responsible for itself as well as its shareholders before being socially responsible. Organizations that implement CSR strategy in most cases have the ability to develop to a point where they can contribute in various ways to the society.

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This makes corporate social responsibility a key strategy that is more effective in large organizations or businesses. A business can create more brand awareness and win more customers and a large share market because of its visibility. The purchasing power of customers keeping changing more especially with a close consideration of the global and local issues relating to consumer products. Hence, there is a growing tendency of customers preferring organizations or businesses that express a great concern when it comes to customer safety. Aligning an organization with the values of the customers is the best way to improve customer loyalty while aiming to win new ones. With CSR programs, an organization can showcase its top values in a community level attracting more customers to its brand whilst improving customer loyalty (Bediako, 2017).

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This is a strategy for a business to keep up with competition while maximizing its profits and sales through increase product demand. With CSR a business can improve its market standing because of the attractive nature it adds to a business. This type of confidence is what keeps customers and investors attracted towards a product or service due to strong ties and working relationship with new and existing customers (Frances and Blasco, 2016). Demonstrating the ability of an organization to be a responsible corporate is among the easiest ways that a business can to use to find customers who are willing to work with the organization on the long term basis. This is a great benefit for an organization due to the power to nurture its assets that involve trust, goodwill, and reputation.

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This encourages seriousness toward the business and the products it brings forth. Measuring the returns of the campaigns, especially key indicators demonstrates what works and what does not work. A business can use the information to understand the standing level of the business in the market. This is important from the perspective of a business in order to understand the most effective ways and channels for effective campaigns for marketing success. In this case, the application of ROI is necessary since it weighs the result of the campaigns against the money used to run the process. This method is effective because it weights the quality of available leads through the application of the campaign. Retrieved from http://tru. uni-sz. bg/tsj/Vol. Suppl. Series%20Social%20Sciences/SF/SF/Predpriem. in/little-joys/public-relations-brand-building/ Zdravkovic, S.

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Enhancing Brand Image via Sponsorship: Strength of Association Effects. Retrieved from https://www. researchgate. net/publication/236162853_Enhancing_brand_image_via_sponsorship_Strength_of_association_effects Dolge, L. pdf?sequence=1 Chen, J. Stakeholder. What is a Stakeholder? Retrieved from https://www. investopedia. com/terms/s/stakeholder. com/terms/c/corp-social-responsibility. asp Crowther, D. Aras, G. Corporate Social Responsibility. Retrieved from https://www. O. The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty. A Case Study of StanBed Tours ky. Retrieved from https://www. theseus. Retrieved from https://www. researchgate. net/publication/313056254_The_relationship_of_corporate_social_responsibility_consumer_value_satifaction_and_loyalty_An_empirical_study Beattie, A. How to Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) of a Marketing Campaign. Retrieved from https://www.

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