Budgeting and Financial Management

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Computer Science

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Such situations affect the life of the children negatively. Fighting for the child's better life should be the concern to ensure the young children are not misused and they live a comfortable life. Edwin Gould, the founder of the Edwin Gould services for children and family's organization was recognized by his position in the society to fight for the end of child violence and abuse. His desire to help the needy children and fight against children violence was much inspired by her mother in law who worked with the Messiah Home for children (Egscf. org, 2018). There was a lot of challenges in delivering some moral lectures to the children. The children had increased in a large number and serving them was a major problem. There was a need to understand the way children communicated since not all of them could speak same languages.

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Egscf. org, 2018) Organization’s strategy to geographic expansion There was a need for the expansion of the organization due to a large number of children and to ensure every needy child in every corner received the service. Impregnated children below maturity and the abused children were also taken care of. Different Centre’s were established to cater for the increased number of needy children. The children were also taught how to love each other and live peacefully. The children were from different background and they behaved differently. To ensure friendship among the children, there was a need to teach them on how to live together and love each other. With the concern on how many little children loiter in the streets due to violence, drug abuse and being abandoned, this organization shows a good example of how to care for our young ones.

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If everyone can be concerned about the young children, the level of child abuse could be at zero percent. The organization used to depend on well-wishers for its project and through struggling, a success was made. To sacrifice for child savior doesn’t mean one has to have money. Working for the organization Working with such organization sometimes is a tricky question to many people. Loans are mostly said to be given to profit-making occupations. This is because there are certain factors considered such as the progress of the organization and the amount of profit generated within a certain period of time. The organization used to depend on charities and well-wishers to raise a living. That is why it did not depend on loans. It could not afford to pay back loans since they had no source of profit after rendering services to the children.

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This is one of the strategies that has been made by the organization in order to earn some fund to finance their projects. The children also enjoy the pleasure of the ride. This is one of the activity in America that attracts many people due to the climate of the area and their need to support the children’s project. Conclusion In summary, children need to be shown care and concern to grow morally in the society. There is a need for the government and also other bodies to ensure the rights of the children are adhered to.

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