Wi Fi Piggybacking

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Computer Science

Document 1

What is WIFI piggybacking? 4 2. Discussion 5 2. The ethical implications of WIFI piggybacking? 6 3. Conclusion 9 References 10 Abstract Internet connectivity has become part of the basic needs. People need information and to access it; the internet is the most convenient and simplest method to use. WIFI at home is a personal thing. This essay is meant to examine the illegality of the act of unauthorized WIFI access. The article will seek to prove or disprove the statement that WIFI piggybacking is illegal because it has the potential to infringe on the victim’s personal information and affect their access speed. Some of the essential attributes of information, either individual or organizational are that it should remain confidential unless intentionally shared with others. However, as will be seen in the issue of WIFI piggybacking, this confidentially is lost.

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There are, however, answers available to the question. Discussion Piggybacking, the illegal tapping into someone else's wireless Internet connection is no longer the exclusive domain of pilfering computer geeks or shady hackers cruising for unguarded networks. ” (LaMace, 2018). This is a statement that now re-iterates the fact that piggybacking is now available for mainstream utilization. Initially, the computer geeks and tech gurus were the only people who had the means and the know-how to successfully hack another person’s wireless network and be able to use it. Due to these developments, mobile phones have now become the prime candidates for accessing WIFI signals. It is no longer surprising to see people in café only using their phones (Sagari, Seskar, & Raychaudhuri, 2016). In such a case, it is just likely that the individual in the café is accessing the internet using their mobile phone and through the WIFI network within the café.

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Due to the widespread use of WIFI, in an urban area, it is not surprising to search for a WIFI network on your laptop or phone and find different connections available within your vicinity. The situation is just the same in the suburbs where internet is still a necessity. On the other hand, some countries have no rules concerning piggybacking while some have some regulations that dictate the nature of piggybacking depending on context. In the United States of America, WIFI piggybacking is considered a severe breach of another person’s personal space and therefore warrants for legal action. There have been multiple felonies in the United States of America where people get real jail time because of piggybacking (Pearson, Robinson, & Jones, 2017). As is evident, the matter of piggybacking is carried more seriously there.

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Conversely, looking at a country such as Germany, the issue becomes even more complicated. As stated by him, “act only by that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law” (Kant, 2017). This was a phrase used to mean that an action is only considered ethical if you would prefer the same operation to be performed by people globally. From this phrase, it is easy to argue that if everyone could use each other’s WIFI, then there would be nothing like piggybacking (Joy, Rajwade, & Gerla, 2016). However, a counter-argument could be made stating that If one person can Wi-Fi piggyback, then everyone can Wi-Fi piggyback. This would then translate to the argument that If everyone Wi-Fi piggybacks, then there will be no Wi-Fi for anyone.

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Privacy is also a significant concern when it comes to data. People use their WIFI networks to pass along information that in some cases, might be sensitive. For example, in any given WIFI signal, there is likely to be information such as login credentials and media files that may or may not be private. Piggybacking exposes the victim to hacking and phishing, which works to the disadvantage of the victim (Atkinson, Adetoye, Rio, Mitchell, & Matich, 2013). Perhaps the most disturbing and most significant effect of piggybacking is unauthorized and unregulated access to the contents of the internet. com. au: http://www. build. com. au/wireless-internet-laws [2] LaMace, K. Sec. Cybercrime, 3, 37. Poushter, J. Smartphone ownership and internet usage continues to climb in emerging economies. Pew Research Center, 22. ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication.

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Pearson, J. Robinson, S. Jones, M. BookMark: Appropriating existing infrastructure to facilitate scalable indoor navigation. Kant: The metaphysics of morals. Cambridge University Press. Joy, J. Rajwade, S. Gerla, M. Rio, M. Mitchell, J. E. Matich, G. Your WiFi is leaking: Inferring user behaviour, encryption irrelevant.

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