Object oriented programming
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Computer Science
On the other hand are high-level languages which are much simpler and ‘English-Like’ to apply but works with the aid of interpreter programs that is they are dependent on interpreter programs. The interpreter or other compiler programs help in the conversion of high-level code into machine codes which computers/computing devices can directly understand what is being instructed. High-level programming languages include; Java, C, and Basic, they are preferably slow when compared to the binary code programming languages as they must go through the interpretation period before computers can be able to understand them, hence their name compiled languages since the source code is compiled in order to run. Hypothesis Object-oriented programming is a programming design whereby the users (programmers) define the operations to be applied to the data structure in addition to defining the type of the data structure (Gabry, 2016).
Object-Oriented programming, abbreviated as OOP, is a wide field of computer language programming. In a more concise way, these are the problems that surpass object-oriented programming scope and any other programming language. Fortunately, there is a number of ways in which the design as well as the programming techniques in the OOP can, have and had a long-lasting effect on the software reuse. The techniques of OOP facilitate software reuse by enabling larger abstractions and the mechanisms of encapsulation than the foregoing mechanisms. Additionally, multitude OOP reuse efforts have focused on the features of programming languages, design methods as well as notations. The reason for this trend that language seems to liberate us from addressing mind tingling issues. In this type of programming language, we are concerned of the objects that are to be manipulated but not the logic which is to be executed in order to manipulate them.
Workability of Object Oriented Programming The initial stage in Object Oriented Programming is to come up with all the objects that as programmers we want to manipulate and develop on how they interconnected through a process known as data modelling (Eliason, 2016). After identification of the object, it becomes a class of objects which bears a definition of the data contained in it and the logic sequences that can be used to manipulate it. The specific logic sequences are each referred to as a method and objects only communicate with well-defined interfaces known as messages (Eliason, 2016). CHAPTER 2. Thirdly, since a single class bears definition of the single data that it is linked with such that in any case an object from that class is run, the code produced cannot accidentally access a different program data (Half, 2017).
Lastly, the concept of data class makes it possible to define subclasses of data objects that have some or all of their characteristics sharable with those of the main class; this is known as inheritance in object-oriented programming and makes it possible to thoroughly analyse data, ensures more accurate coding and reduced the time used for development (Half, 2017). This paper will discuss the current trends in the Object-Oriented Programming, the direction as well as its activity. It will be an in-depth analysis of the current problem, devising a solution, providing the current trends, future directions of research, among many other facets. CHAPTER 3. f) Eiffel gives a programmer the ability to incorporate program elements written in other languages (Rajlich & Gosavi, 2004). g) Curl is a command tool that is used to convey data from or to a server using a supported protocol which works without user interaction, the protocols used by Curl are HTTPS, HTTP, SCP, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, TFTP, LDAP, TELNET, DICT (Rajlich & Gosavi, 2004).
h) Delphi is an object-oriented programming technique which is the fastest way to compile, write, package and deploy cross-platform native applications on Windows, Android, Linux and the other computing devices (Rajlich & Gosavi, 2004). i) Smalltalk enables programmers to envision the data objects which they intend to manipulate (Rajlich & Gosavi, 2004). CHAPTER 4. d) Abstraction: This is the ability to produce and represent data from conceptual levels and not giving detailed data. e) Objects: They are class tools which are used to carry out its real functionality entailing its variables and operations. f) Class definitions: They are the building blocks of OOP and single entities with data and its operations. g) Generic Classes: This is the class definition granted to data that is unspecified, also referred to as container classes. They are highly flexible and reusable.
The contrast between OOP and Traditional Programming methods a) Object-Oriented Programming uses objects/instances in its technique where else in the traditional programming it involved actual data and its processing (Munassar & Govardhan, 2011). b) Object-Oriented Programming used attributed data while on the other hand, the traditional program uses actual data which is a field in nature (Munassar & Govardhan, 2011). c) The object-oriented project is a method in nature, where else in the traditional programming it is a function that processes a particular structure (Munassar & Govardhan, 2011). d) Object-Oriented Programming is a message while Traditional programming was a function call (Munassar & Govardhan, 2011). e) Object-Oriented programming instantiates while traditional programming involves allocation of s structure (Munassar & Govardhan, 2011). • Inheritance- The ability to develop a new class from an existing class without necessarily inculcating any new technique and tools.
• Method- An isolated section of a code in an object which is applied to execute a specific function. • Message- This is an impulse that is conveyed in the object-oriented programming from one object to another and invokes an activity concerning programming. RECOMMENDATIONS The company requires to fully using OOP not because it is the best but because if compared with the other programming languages techniques, in this case, the procedural program. A procedural program is easy to write and used to carry out small-scale programming activities as in these lines of code which are employed will be manageable. org/10. Čulík, K. A model for the formal definition of programming languages. International Journal Of Computer Mathematics, 3(1-4), 315-345. doi. com/omarelgabrys-blog/the-story-of-object-oriented-programming-12d1901a1825 Half, R. Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming. The Robert Half Blog.
Retrieved from https://www. roberthalf. COMPARISON BETWEEN TRADITIONAL APPROACH AND OBJECT-ORIENTED APPROACH IN SOFTWARE ENGNEERING DEVELOPMENT. International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science Application, 2(6). Rajlich, V. Gosavi, P. Incremental change in object-oriented programming.
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