Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

g. , antiarrhythmic agent, Beta-blockers. Diuretics). However, the patients with heart failure need much attention because their condition is life-threatening. Thus, they should receive the special care after discharge from a hospital or continue professional follow-up care. We also will put into consideration the existing practices in the Home-health care agencies and if there is something different that can be done especially issues to deal with compliance with World Health Organization (WHO) as far as health and safety are concerned. The expected outcome at the end of the research should at least make people understand the relationship of the burnout or the high workload and the infection rate of patients. This research tests and verifies the hypotheses before the same can be applied or tried in the healthcare sector or any other industry that may be interested to know the effect of burnout and its association with the change in infections rate.

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• Aim 1: To determine the prevalence of infections of home health care. We hypothesize that home health care will have a higher risk of infection in heart failure patient. In fact, according to Savarese and Lund, (2017) chronic heart failure affects around 26 million individuals where the disease is still affecting more people. The reasons why the condition may be burdensome is the expenditures and the fact that this increases with the age. Further, despite the fact that various technologies have been discovered improving the prevention programs as well as the therapies, the condition affects a lot of people largely causes death. This therefore makes the condition complex. Further it is predicted that the conditions prevalence might increase by 46% instead of dropping due to the new technologies and tools used to prevent and control the condition (Ponikowski et al.

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(2015), studying “the prevalence of infections and patient risk factors in home health care,” the research noted that patients being taken care of at home were at a higher risk of acquiring other infections as opposed to patients in the hospitals. Even though receiving health care in the home has many advantages for patients including the fact that patient receives necessary care and services in the comfort of their own home and maintains their dignity and independence, it also poses special challenges and health hazards, one of which is infection control. Although patients making use of home care are less acutely ill than patients in hospitals or long-term-care facilities, they are exposed to potential hazards that are not experienced by hospitalized patients or long-term facility residents.

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These hazards put home-health care patients at high risk for infections. Because of the fact that the home health care providers are not always with the patients at home and in some cases, the patients are left under the care of friends and family who may not be well conversant with medical terms and procedures. , Ansari-Ramandi, M. & Naderi, N. Pain in Chronic Heart Failure: A Review Article. Journal of Tehran University Heart Center. Retrieved from https://www. G. , Bambrick, W. , & Estabrooks, C. A. Burnout in the nursing home health care aide: A systematic review. J. , Sueta, C. A. , Coker-Schwimmer, E. J. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC5494150/ Landers, S. , Madigan, E. 1177/1084822316666368 Ponikowski, P. , Anker, S.  D. , AlHabib, K.  F. , Ma, C.

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