Burnout in a Psychiatric Nursing Facility

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Burnout as a syndrome occurs as a result of exhaustion emotionally, when someone continuously interacts with people in the work atmosphere. It is a condition characterized by a reduced willingness and desire to work, as well as, low levels of performance. Individual and organizational nursing factors such as, stress, emotional tiredness/ exhaustion, nurse to patient ratio, being overworked, lack of breaks and/ or no days off are just a few causes related to the increasing trend of burnout in nursing professionals. A1. EXPLANATION OF THE PROBLEM People who experience burnout undergo progressive stress, as well as, physical and emotional tiredness that; eventually, deludes their attitude towards work, perceptions, and interest in quality care for patients. A1a. WHY IS BURNOUT APPLICABLE TO NURSING AND THE ENVIRONMENT OF HELATHCARE Burnout is applicable in the psychiatric nursing field, as well as in the entire healthcare environment because it has been directly associated with higher stress, lower morale, lower quality care, and increased negative issues amongst coworkers.

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These negative factors, sustained for a length of time, can greatly and negatively impact a healthcare organizations environment. The environment will be hostile and of lower quality overall. It will lead to lower quality care, higher safety risk in patient care, staffing issues of higher call-outs and higher employee turnovers in the department. Organizational factors in the nurse-working environment were measured using the Practice Environment Scale-Nurse Work Index. Additionally, each nurse was expected to give an account of the number of patients they cared for, which was aggregated to the hospital level to determine the patient to hospital staff ratio as a factor. By the aid of Maslach Burnout Inventory, stress, exhaustion, depersonalization and accomplishment standards were evaluated for the nurse respondents. Maticorena-Quevedo, Anduaga-Beramendi & Beas, 2016). They were then asked about the frequency of the feelings towards their job, and the responses were gauged out of seven on a Satisfaction scale.

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In America, regional surveys on the levels of nurse burnout display some discrepancies, however, national data on surveys indicate that burnout among mental health practitioners is a nationwide challenge. A report by the Department of Professional Employees in 2013 shows that nearly half the number of employees contemplated leaving their jobs due to feelings of being overworked as there was low staffing. About 60% of nurses in the survey worked unwillingly on a voluntary overtime basis, while about a third reported symptoms of exhaustion which relates to high levels of burnout ("Burnout and HealthCare – Editorial", 2014). The environment one works in can also have a significant influence on burnout. Extensive nationwide surveys depict that nurses providing direct healthcare from hospitals and homes, experience the highest levels of burnout and dissatisfaction at their workplace (Mudallal et al.

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The patient population, in a psychiatric environment, are homeless, depressed, suicidal, lack motivation in life, lack coping skills, have suffered traumatic abuse or great emotional loss, just to state a few. Nurse professionals, being compassionate and caring,are subjected to emotions and stress, in a psychiatric position, since they are required to observe and listen to these highly depressed and self harming patients, every day at work. Hence, burnout can be said to result from the amount oftime a nurse professional spends with the psychiatric patients, the emotional demands and the poor prognosis of the patients. Many other factors of psychiatric nursing, besides stress, have also been evaluated as contributorsto burnout. These other factors include:emotional tiredness/ exhaustion, nurse to patient ratio, being overworked, lack of breaks and/ or no days off, and conflicts with colleagues.

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Excellent leadership and management where feedback is observed, and there is inclusivity in decision making alleviate stressful feelings that can cause burnout at work. Additional supervision and where necessary, guidance and counselling for nurses with psychological disorders may be helpful. Developing the Nurse Practice Environment When the practice environment has been adjusted accordingly, the likelihood of a reduced burnout increases, people tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and as a result, the services they offer concerning providing care improve. Importantly, effective management establishes within effective nurse working atmosphere that motivates employees in an environment that retains professionals with quality patient care practice. Improving Team Relationships. Lifestyle Living a healthy life reduces the risk of stress and associated burnout. Having a healthy diet and being physically active relax the mind thus are an excellent coping mechanism for stress.

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Social Support and Networking Well established social networks from friends and family as well as colleagues at work help reduce the risks of a possible burnout. Such support significantly helps the concerned individuals to cope with the pressure and stress from work. Sometimes when we get comforted by close friends and family, we may get relieved of some pressures. It is crucial to embrace skills such as critical thinking, analytics, and reflection that help one to manage problems and help an individual to learn from their experiences while they develop substantive approaches to situations at hand. Justification of Possible Solutions According to various surveys, occupational factors such as workload, shift work, and nurse-practice environment influence the development of stress that causes exhaustion associated with burnout among nurses. Despite their importance, these factors depend on effective management from the leadership of the day.

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For instance, the management may decide the number of nurses per unit. A number of the strategies set in place to offer a solution to the problems of burnout are those that can be acquired from experience and training. They are essential because they give a comparison variable to the study. The state is another important stakeholder responsible for the necessary adjustments of the healthcare environment factors and healthcare providers through training and education as well as the provision of essential financial aid and other resources. The healthcare organizations are a vital stakeholder as well as they are the environment under which all the other stakeholders mentioned operate. Engagement with Key Stakeholders All stakeholders play an important role in decreasing the effects of burnout. The state is mandated to provide finances, and other resources and personnel needed to make necessary adjustments to the healthcare facility.

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IMPLEMENTATION The state is committed to managing nurse burnout as it has led to turnover and absenteeism which has proven costly. In achieving this, the country has developed many programs that aim at achieving improvements in the levels of stress, emotional wellbeing as well as cognitive potential. Conducted in stages, these programs have improved resilience through lectures and practice activities. B. ROLE OF SCIENTIST Scientists use scientific research and experiments to analyze variables. B. ROLE OF MANAGER OF A HEALING ENVIRONMENT Management requires skills and expertise in leadership. As the manager in the healing environment, I would perform supervisory tasks to the nursing staff, evaluate performance, provide feedback as I focus on setting work schedules. I would also ensure that I ensure that mentorship programs are implemented while also overseeing the process of adjustments taking place.

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My sole responsibility, however, is to create a safe and healthy environment that the healthcare team needs for engagement with patients. doi:10. j. burn. Burnout harms workers' physical health through many pathways. Retrieved from https://www. Hanlon, A. L. Relationship between psychiatric nurse work environments and nurse burnout in acute care general hospitals.  Issues inmental health nursing, 31(3), 198-207. Turnover, T. medwave. M da Costa, E. Hyeda, A. M C P Maluf, E. Working Environment and Burnout Syndrome. BURNOUT - IMPACT ON NURSING.  NARAYANA NURSING JOURNAL, 3(2), 6. doi: 10. nnj. The Employee Burnout Crisis: Study Reveals Big Workplace Challenge in 2017.

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