Bus Rapid Transit in Beijing

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

However, Deng claims that BRT has not received much attention worldwide and from the federal government of China just like it is the cases with the rail systems though BRT growth is still impressive. The overall objective of this paper is to conduct a critical review of an evaluation carried out for the investment in the transport system and an exploration of one of the benefits associated with the appraisal. The paper will be organized into the following sections. Summary of the appraised project, the results from the appraised project with an identification of the costs and benefits considered in the analysis and how they were quantified/assessed, features regarding strengths and weaknesses of the appraised project and a focus on one of the benefits of appraisals such as cost/time saving or improvement of the travel time reliability.

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Background information on the project Most of the cities in China have been facing severe problems in traffic as a result of excessive population concentration, tremendous motorization, and insufficient transit services (Deng, 2013, p228). According to Darido, the project is still progressing successively and that many of the cities in the china have already implemented the BRT systems. Actually, according to the data from the BRTdata. org, over twenty-one cities in the china have already successfully implemented the system (Darido, 2006, pg. However, as the number increases as time pass by it is essential to recognize the contributing factors to the operating performance and the quality of service of the BRT in China. However, the overall completion of the BRT project will oversee the reduced congestion of the vehicles in the China country (Darido, 2006, pg.

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Before the implementation of the project, the municipal government in being China carried out an appraisal of the project. For instance, they consulted those cities such as Brazil and Australia that had already implemented the BRT systems in the first place (Little & Mirrlees,1997, pg. In this case, they had the chance of assessing the consequences that were likely to be accrued upon implementation of the BRT systems. The overall findings from the appraisal gave them the ability to decide whether it was healthy to implement the BRT in the country or not. In addition, the appraisal process had to provide an answer on how the BRT systems would be developed in relation to the other existing transit systems. Consequently, from the findings, it was assumed that the project would also help in enhancing the living standards of the people due to the reduction of the transport costs thus making them save the rest of the money.

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As a result of a reduction of the cost, the saved money would be used in other developmental project plans. It was not possible for the BRT system to be implemented in all the regions of the county since some of the land terrains of some existing regions were not suitable to implement the BRT system. In this case, it was necessary to redesign and restructure some of the regions so as to make it easy for the execution of the BRT system. However, it was vital to incorporate the BRT system with other transport systems such as rail and air. It is as a result of their savings that the economy of the county has also been enhanced. Apart from improving the living conditions of the people, the BRT system has also led to the reduction of pollution particularly in the urban center (Deng & wang, 2013, pg.

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From an analysis of the Guangzhou BRT project by (Fjellstrom, 2011, pg. 209), it was established that the feature assisted in doing away/eliminating delays which are linked with bus transit and at the same time enhancing quality. Further Fjellstrom asserted that there seems to be a relationship between various aspects of BRT development in the region. Actually, Deng & Nelson revealed that 75 percent of the trips that were offered by the bus was diverted to the BRT system. Consequently, with the execution of the BRT in Beijing the rate of contamination also went down. The study also revealed that the BRT system had an impact on the travel change behavior. In this case, Deng & Nelson asserted that an increase in the frequency and reliability have an effect on the growth of the ridership whereby it is capable of reducing the time of waiting and in-vehicle time.

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Notably, 7. In this case, appraising the project before implementation may help in avoiding some inconsistencies that may arise in the course of carrying out the project. Such inconsistencies may include premature termination of the project due to insufficient funds. Therefore, it is always advisable to make use of the appropriate project appraisal tools for a successful implementation of the project. The purpose of the paper was to assess the appraised project concerning Bus rapid transit system in Beijing and an exploration of one of the benefits associated with the appraised project. From the reviewed literature, it was found that the implementation of the BRT system has an effect of improving transport in the country and at the same time decongesting trafficking of vehicles.

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