Business and Social Responsibility

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Business companies develops ethics that ensures success of the business with the help of the social responsibility. Therefore, for the effectiveness of the social responsibility, the business should operate voluntarily with the pressure from the outside forces such as the government. The business that develops as a result of the social responsibility is concerned with the ethics that should boost company’s morale and that of the employees. The discussion in this paper is based on a recent media article that concerns a business ethics issue to show the influence of ethical issues on business. Summary of the arguments in the article, https://www. At times, it is the right of the workforce to ensure that technology is directed and used ethically by groups of people (Kolk 2016, 27).

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For example, the pledge signed by many engineers in the US in support of immigrant database was rejected by the Tech Workers Coalition who protested outside Palantir for alteration of such a database that would create technological spy brain used by police. The government regulations and resistance by the workers on the business companies created ethical problems to them helps in promoting respect and determination within the business industries. Solving ethical issues within a company demands brevity and public support. Also, the digital technology builders requires conducive environment, space and encouragement in ensuring morality and ethical designs within the business companies. In essence, corporate governance as an ethical issue leaves each person playing his/her role to attaining the set goals of the company.

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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an ethical issue that motivates the investors to invest within the business company. Likewise, Kolk (2016, 32)) notes that consumers purchase goods and services thus shifting the responsibility to profits and benefits to the company. The investors in the technological industries are required to work closely with the workforce within the digital environment. If the company investors becomes unproductive, the company is likely to under develop as the workers are demotivated to achieving the best for the company. Other ethical cases to show that ethical decisions are appropriate includes the research on the biographies of the high-profile corporate executives to analyze their critical ethical decisions as explained by Wang and Calvano (2015, 597. This clearly defines the appropriateness of the ethical decisions as they are categorized under identification and recognition of the problem, collecting information to validate the problem and lastly combining the information in meaningful ways to enhance address to the identified problem (Forsyth 1992, 466).

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Leaders in the various business companies are expected to follow these stages in making the right decision. Imposition of a legal sanction on the three steps that promotes appropriate decision making could be reasonable as the leaders could have a common platform as they make their decisions. Legalizing already outlined steps required to promote ethical decision making is also reasonable as it promotes oneness, unity, togetherness and cooperation among the leaders. The technology business companies demonstrate egoism by ensuring the moral values are adhered to as the customers are served by the employees. The investors should place a lot of emphasize to ensure success of the business as waiting for its failure can lead to distress among the investors. Conclusion Businesses are guided by social responsibility which promote success as the business owners, investors, directors, managers and employees play their various roles.

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