Business Leadership Training Approach
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Management
Good business leaders are made out of unwavering resilience, education, training, and experience (Daft, 24). Being in a leadership position is often confused with being a boss in any typical corporation. Bosses are expected to offer various business directives on matter daily business operations (Daft, 27). However, it is important to note that most bosses are also employees within the corporation and are thus under someone else’s directives. On the contrary, business leaders such as entrepreneurs operate from experience and with a vivid vision for the business. This trend is attributed to the rampant changes in the business environment. For example, changes in technology may cause dramatic pressure to prevalent business structures. Therefore, it is imperative for leaders to safely maneuver through the strenuous situations without losing their businesses (Walker, 65). Successful businesses maintain a ‘family’ outlook whereby the leaders act ‘fathers figures’ while employees act as the ‘siblings’ (Kouzes, 113).
Thus, it is important for leaders to foster excellent working relationships between themselves and their employees. Below is a detailed framework for how the three features work. Workshops Workshops are a perfect starting place for amateur leaders. They offer a training ground where trainees experiment with various tools, concepts, ideas, and techniques. On-job simulations are used to help trainees experience the ‘real’ pressure of an actual business environment (Lussier, 88). Also, group discussions are used to harness different ideas from the trainees. Coaches offer tailored theories and models relative to the unique requirements of the trainees. They are also responsible for keeping students on the right track (Hewes, 53). During this time, participants are urged to ask questions within the group setting in the presence of the coach. This helps improve the already existent group dynamics.
Key issues discussed during the workshop sessions are elaborated through the coach to reinforce the concepts and ideas. Its sole purpose is to make a resonating business environment for the trainees. Choice Explanation The purpose of a leadership training program or approach is to produce competent leaders in business. Also, a good approach should present the trainees with an opportunity to change and improve their view of business leadership as a career. The three-pronged leadership training approach is specific in its quest for an effective leadership team. Apart from offering participants with a range of positive choices in their training process, the three-pronged leadership program has other advantages; i. This helps grow the innate talent and confidence in different trainees (Hewes, 53). Conclusion The three-pronged leadership training approach is by far, the most efficient among the rest.
Following the findings made in this paper, it is evident that this training approach has advantages that favor improved leadership skills. The integrated training model has proven effective in its execution, pursuant to the set goals and objective (Hewes, 53). The major concepts of business leadership are thoroughly covered in this model. Lean leadership–15 rules for a sustainable lean implementation. Procedia CIRP 17 (2014): 565-570. DuBrin, Andrew J. Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Nelson Education, 2015. A three-pronged approach to leadership development. Training and Development 9 (2012): 52-55. Kouzes, James M. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership-Technology. Vol. Trust matters: Leadership for successful schools. John Wiley & Sons, 2014. Walker, Professor Helen, et al. Sustainable operations management: recent trends and future directions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management34.
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