Causes and effects of sleep disorder

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It mostly occurs during the sleeping period. Due to lifestyle changes and advanced technology, climatic changes, and other varying factors, the sleep cycles are altered interfering with mental ability to control the body and order to sleep. In most cases, sleep disorders occur among the college and university students and in some cases, the old people due to advanced age health related complications. The difference in personal characteristics and exposure, the causes and effects vary among individuals but all results to sleep disorders. Sleep plays a vital role in improving human health. Sleep disturbances in the early morning awakening and inability to wake up from sleep as well as links to related psychological factors of anxiety and depression. Study evidence shows that most of the individual having daytime drowsiness, most have breathing problems associated with adverse metabolic effects that can be deteriorated by cardiovascular disease.

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Various mechanisms to explain the association of cardiovascular disease with sleeping disorder involved the occurring psychological depression (Hungin & Close, p. Amongst the patients that have cardiovascular disease, are more likely to be slowly responding to medications due to effects of depressions, stress, and anxiety that accompany the disease. Patient caregivers should thus offer psychological supports that will make them feel relieved and can feel asleep at the list. Deprived sleep and fatigue translated to too much stress for such that the student will prefer sacrificing their sleep to balancing the hustle time and study times. Evidence shows that most of the students who have less sleeping time have more stress as they do not have time to relax their mind and at higher risk of developing sleep disorders. Consequently, deprived sleep can affect student performance during the day especially the test and exam if not adequately balanced.

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Another cause of sleep disorders is genetic factors namely genes that have a complex interaction with the environment. The interaction results in some types of disorders that including sleep apnea, involuntary periodic limb movement syndrome, leg restless syndrome and parasomnias. Most of the old-age populations have trouble in sleeping, lack or few hours' sleep, frequent wakeups while asleep that will translate to less quality sleep. Poor quality sleep will result in health concerns that may risk old people to falling and get injuries or experience daytime fatigue. In this case, therapies are preferable to medication to eliminated drug interaction effects like nausea. Many elderly patients will thus fear to be physically active. A study form Honolulu Asia Aging Study found that most of the aging men experience Excessive daytime sleepiness and are three times more at risk of developing Parkinson disease, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic pain diseases like arthritis(Leng et al.

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In a similar case, daily food affects the sleep. As often accepted, balanced health diets are good for health and well-being. Healthy diets supply the body with enough energy for the daily activity and one to sleep better during the night, and the opposite is true. Alcohol as well as disrupts the quality of sleep due to frequent awakenings, night sweats, headaches, and nightmares. The cigarette has nicotine that is a stimulant.  Journal of research in health sciences 14. Bhasin, Himani. Chronic Insomnia & Its Impact amongst Adolescents.  Int J Ind Psychol 3 (2016): 70-88. Clark, Ian, and Hans Peter Landolt. International classification of sleep disorders.  Chest 146.

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