Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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They include: • Patients should not kink or twist the catheter tubing • They should not pull or tug the tubing • The urine bag should be checked regularly to ensure that it is always below the bladder level • The patients should maintain hand hygiene. They should clean their hands before and after catheter contact particularly for long-term users • Patients should consult the doctor about the necessity of continued use of the catheter. Joint Commission website and access the New 2012 NPSG – CA UTI for Hospitals in the National Patient Safety Goals section. Facts about the National Patient Safety Goals • Address and describe the legal and financial implications of poor outcomes in this area? In 2002, The Joint Commission established its National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) program; the first set of NPSGs was effective January 1, 2003. The NPSGs were established to help accredited organizations address specific areas of concern in regard to patient safety.

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Changes effective for 2018 • NPSG. — multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs): Has been applicable to hospitals and critical access hospitals and is now applicable to nursing care centers. The note has been revised to include carbapenem-resistent enterobacteriaceae (CRE) as one of the organisms covered by the goal, and the goal has been revised to allow organizations to determine the appropriate time frame for education.   • NPSG. — central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs): The elements of performance (EPs) for hospitals and critical access hospitals have been reordered, and the goal has been modified to allow organizations to determine the appropriate time frame for educating staff and licensed independent practitioners. The environment structuring process begins with the modification of the executive management and their responsibilities. This will introduce new responsibilities and leadership strategies that are focused on working as per the guidelines and healthcare standards being introduced to impact change of patient care in the organization.

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The executive leadership should also be oriented to the new standards. On the other hand, the organizational culture should be modified to soot the operations directed by the new standards. For instance, the healthcare ethics should be upheld when organizational policies and norms are modified to ensure that the facilitys culture impacts the patients positively. I also notice that the patient was able to move around, had a good urine output. I also notice from the patient chart that he had a history of UTI. After talking with the floor nurse we decided that it was ok to remove his indwelling catheter. The patient was also complaining of discomfort from the catheter during that timeThe rationale for implementing a CAUTI prevention bundle is to minimize the risks of acquiring infections from the hospital setting.

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According to the ANA, 560,000 patients acquire infections from the hospital setting which increases the cost of patient care and extends the stay of the patient in the hospital. With the patients Results: the patients listened and asked questions pertaining CAUTI during the educative session. The training changed the perception and attitudes of patients an way to prevent on the disease associated with catheter. Conclusion: The training was successful as evident in attitude change of patients towards the disease. The training provided moral and emotional support to the patients. Patients also demonstrated improved utilization of catheters and the need for proper perineal care which was Teaching The teaching of the patients involved self-awareness. The process began with hand-washing with soap and water to remove spores and soiling. Catheter kits were utilized in this process.

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Nurses maintained patient’s hygiene and aided in personal care. • Education and training • Nurse education was conducted to enhance appropriate clinical practices. Patient education was carried out to facilitate the improvement of patient outcomes through a collaborative care approach involving patients, their families and the healthcare provider. Non-adherence of the health care code causes insufficient or excessive dosage administration. This result to low quality care provision which increases cost and patient risk. Moreover, investigations to the cause of poor outcome may result to compromised confidentiality of the patient which should be maintained as directed by the ethical code. Practical situation During my clinical rotation, I conducted an evidence based practice intervention on a CUATI patient. The intervention applied involved CUATI reduction through the removal of catheter which is the major cause of CUATI.

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The scientific bases are effective in prevention and treatment of diseases and thus improve the quality of healthcare delivery. EBP uses evidence and thus eliminates possible harm to the patient since it provides best possible practice for healthcare providers. On the contrary, EBP lacks updated data that provides timely evidence due to the limitation of samples during the study. The intervention utilized was successful. However, if I could do it differently, I could have prepared my patient for the procedure some days before to reduce resistance and enhance psychological preparation. A. Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee, Atlanta. Gould, C. V. Hooton, T. M. Bradley, S. F. Cardenas, D. Saint, S. Meddings, J. A. Calfee, D. Kowalski, C.

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