Charter Schools versus School Vouchers

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Economics

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Its dynamic and therefore the primary objectives of education should reflect this dynamism. It is in the quest to have all-rounded students that can effectively serve in the society that influential factors will arise along the way. The situation will compel the need for solutions. Education is a broad sector in an economy. Similar to any other sector, it is subject to internal and external conditions that affects it optimal course of delivery. Also, it is a precise framework that facilitates the understanding of every decision and action of all the relevant actors. The most important thing is that it offers a precise focus in establishing the connection between policy variables and outcomes. These form intertwined relationships in education and leads to the comprehension on the complexity of the education system.

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Descriptive studies play the primary role of enhancing peoples’ understanding. On the other hand, policy decisions are securely made based on the casual relationships (Burgess, 2016). Charter schools are a special category of public schools only that they work with much autonomy compared to the traditional school districts. The autonomy is the primary differentiating factor (Rhodes, 2018). These schools obtain a contract and work under the issuer who is a public entity for instance a local school board. The contracts lasts for about three to five years. The price of the relative freedom is high. They were free from the state rules and legislations, enhanced independence from school districts, and inclusive of student and parent choices. The interplay in the market forces and autonomy would likely result to higher quality education services to the children, better institution management and governance, and in some instances, reasonable teacher credentials, and an opportunity for them in union involvement (Bulkey & Fisler, 2003).

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The third reason for their creation would be that they would be more accountable than the district-run schools. Parents and students as consumers would demand quality services. The public government’s agencies that provide public funding would also be obliged to get equivalent results to the finances they would offer. However, consolidated research results by Denice will provide a better overview of this topic. A general overview of the entire results indicate that on average charter schools are better than district-run schools. Based on the above mentioned methodological designs, charter schools perform better than the district-run counterparts in mathematics. The effects for mathematics achievement grew even larger with three new years’ worth of research. Precise figures reflected effect sizes of 0. This financial mechanism is publicly funded and hence, the parents do not have to bear any direct financial costs in regards to this system.

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The continual use of the voucher system has also elicited heated debates particularly when it comes to religious schools. Nevertheless, this system reduces the financial burden on parents and increases their range of choices in regards to the school that they want to take their children (Loeb, Valant, & Kasman, 2011). It implies that even a private school that has higher financial projections can finally be attained. This system was advocated by Milton Friedman. Ultimately, schools in these areas have massive concentrations of less-fortunate pupils, high dropouts, insufficient resources, and low average achievement (Ladd, 2002). This ideal situation does not paint a great picture. Another defining factor is what authors refer to as the peer effect. It is a profound connotation that parents will act - in regards to the school they will be taking their kids - as though the peers of their children matter.

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This points to the fact that parents around the country will seek to take their kids in schools where the average socioeconomic features are higher than the chances in an assigned or original school would be. Like the charter schools, researchers had to struggle with the appropriate instrument to initiate this process. However, Witte, Stern and Thorn found out there were no significant margin differences by the voucher students studied in significant gains in both reading and mathematics (2001). A little contrary to this is illustrated by Greene, Peterson, and Du. Their research revealed minimal improvement in the voucher students over the course of three to four years of the program (1998). The voucher system had minimal impact in the recruitment of the minority groups or even at-risk students into the private schools.

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On the contrary, public schools will offer diverse and unfocused education programs. In this scenario, it appears parents are willing to take advantage of the situation over the academic improvement of their children. Position Charter schools appeal and appear to provide the best mechanism when both type of schools are placed into consideration. Since both are liable to receive public funding, then the financial situation will not get a consideration in finding the suitable position. The role of schools is to provide the highest level of quality education possible. The freedom that encompasses this system is great. At the same time, the responsibilities that tag along are massive. However, much pressure is relieved from the shoulders of the teaching staff and administrators in regards to the rules and regulations that encompass the traditional school system.

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This sense of liberty alone is enough to ensure that all personnel work at their utmost best to achieve commendable results. On the contrary, the voucher system lacks the precise niche in enhancing education quality. Burgess, S. M. Human capital and education: The state of the art in the economics of education. Cohodes, S. Charter schools and the achievement gap.  Journal of Economic Literature, 55(2), 441-92. Euryduce - European Commission. Eurydice. Retrieved from https://eacea. ec.  National Tax Journal, 64(1), 141. McEwan, P. J. The potential impact of vouchers.  Peabody Journal of Education, 79(3), 57-80. F. The Impacts of Public Charter Schools on Students and Traditional Public Schools: What Does the Empirical Evidence Tell Us?.  Center for Education Policy, Applied Research, and Evaluation. Witte, J. F.

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