Cheese and the worms book review
He was from Italy and he spent a good lifetime milling. The book major focus is the middle age group which has ideologies which are contrary to the Roman Catholic traditions. The major group of the target is the youths as they are considered to be the age of faith but this is not the case as seen in the book. In this article the literature review of the book will be provided, the authors’ thesis, evidence used to prove the thesis and how the work contributes to what others have written about the topics discussed in the book. Menocchio being a free man who is full of theological ideas that are contrary to the Roman Catholic is the main character in the article. Just as a usual society would be, Pinocchio had listeners but only with few or no followers at all.
Another modern living at the same time is also described. This is in the mountains of Pordenone who had a similar belief as those of Menocchio. This was also a society that was civilized during the establishment of schools by the Italian government. It was a society that was completely influenced by the misconception of menocchio during his reinterpretation of the bible that made him come up with his own wrong ideas of the interpretation. The society we are not told whether they are learned or not but we find that his beliefs are self-made claims with no proper evidence. He usually finds a captive audience that is irresistible to his thoughts. Monoccho then pours out his words in a way that no one identifies the harm in the statements. He uses prudence of the highest order for no one to identify the mess in the statements.
Since Monoccho was a self-centered man when it comes to ideology, he had no tolerance and more so respect for the view of others. This was just one of the instances and scenario we find menocchio speaking truly what’s’ in his mind even though it’s against the Christian and religious belief and order of creation as depicted in the bible. This illustrates menocchio a free man with misleading beliefs that he himself thinks are true. The society of the episode is a roman catholic hence this against the belief and order of creation as known to the Christians. Menocchio had the tendency of reducing religion to morality. His main aim was to have at least some followers who would at least follow him to his beliefs. Then the whom shall bear a kid, name him Jesus and he shall free mankind of his sins.
Mathew 1, 21). The reinterpretation of the bible may have been brought about by illiteracy that may have been in the villages. The Italian government at some point established schools that were to be used to enlighten the villagers. They were established in the surrounding and neighboring villages of Friuli. As many would think, menocchio also had a view that the bible would be used to deceive man. This can be recalled during the pre-colonial era where the Africans had it that the whites would give them the Bible and take away their land. We are not told if this the aspect menocchio argued out but it seems to have a similar view and interpretation. This book can be viewed as a social conflict in bibliographic ideas. Menocchio is being viewed as someone who is against the Latin beliefs.
The moments as described is so touching. Menocchio is then subjected to torture for quite some period of time for him to reveal any of his followers but his surprise he couldn’t recall any. Work cited John and Anne, T. “The cheese and worms review”. Rutledge.
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