Chemical bonds and chemical names

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Though a challenging undertaking for one to stay true in one’s faith when faced with life uncertainties especially those to deal with health (Koopsen, 2010). The ethical question here arises about which way to take when making decisions pertaining to one’s health. The above issues brings us to the general contours of a Christian approach to bioethical issues which are as according to Tom L. Beauchamp and David DeGrazia (2004), who asserts the respect to autonomy as a principle which necessitates respect for the decision making capacities of sovereign persons. Nonmaleficence which requires that people do not subject harm to others as well as the principle of beneficence that requires people to prevent harm to others while engage in activities which promote benefits at all costs.

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The framework of the essay is based on the Christian narrative which attempts to do justice from the Judeo-Christian tradition and its implications for ethical decision making The most tenacious issue in the case study is the basic fact that James, an eight-year-old boy is in dire need of medical attention due to the serious condition ailing him of kidney failure. James herein as not reached the age of making own autonomous decision which merits the parents to decide on his behalf. The parent’s decision on how to handle the matter causes a clash between faith and health which further puts their son’s life to more danger. In this case scenario, Mike and Joanne decide their quest in the temptation to test their faith in God which is a good spiritual ideal to do, however, it helps to degenerate their son's condition from good to worse.

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Secondly, the physician opinion on the matter fails to intervene and inform correctly on the matter. In addition, the physician ought to provide a list of suggestions to Mike and Joanne on the way they should proceed with offering care to their son based on the wealth of knowledge and expertise they hold. The physicians have no option but to speak the gospel truth, their professional responsibility is to speak what is right and genuine but not to tell the parents what they desire to hear (Synder, 2012). The obligation and responsibility of a physician when presented with such a case as James's is to deploy their expertise and skills to inform the parents whereas still respecting the freedom that they could also disagree on the whole treatment plan (Scott, 2009).

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Another ethical aspect brought into light in the case study is that besides the parents being informed of the need for dialysis for their son's critical condition. They chose the path of faith, Mike and Joanne decided to withhold the treatment program and opt for a healing service. "Principles and principals" in Philosophy and Medicine vol. Handbook of bioethics: Taking stock of the field from a philosophical perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Fletcher, J. F. com. Morreim, E. H. Balancing act: the new medical ethics of medicine’s new economics (Vol. Springer Science & Business Media. F. , Blustein, J. , Gordon, E. , & Dubler, N. N. Why Law Prevades Medicine: An Essay on Ethics in Health Care. Notre Dame JL Ethics & Pub. Poly, 14, 245. Snyder, L.

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