Chick Fil A Strategic Management

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Chick-Fil-A maintains its growth by collecting and analyzing relevant, accurate, and current evaluation data. Internal Analysis One of the company’s most apparent strengths is its exceptional client care. In an industry where poor service is almost expected, Chick-Fil-A stands above the rest. It has won multiple awards for its customer service making it one of the most respected brands in the market. It is also notable that the firm has a motivated and highly skilled workforce due to its investment in human resource management (Khan, 2014). In addition, the brand has distanced itself from the word “burger” which is associated with negative eating and embraced “sandwich” which does not carry the adverse connotations. Customers want a healthy option that will taste good and will be worth their money.

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Informed and opinionated clients are also demanding higher service standards than presently exist in the market and Chick-Fil-A are well-placed to satiate that demand. The brand needs to better position itself as a healthy, high-quality alternative in the fast-food sector (Khan, 2014). The greatest threat to Chick-Fil-A will come from its direct competitors. For example, the CEO has consistently and clearly enunciated the strategy to both internal and external stakeholders. He has spoken directly to investors and held round-tables with host communities. The leaders also continue to use technology to pass their message with Twitter being a regular channel for the communication of strategy to the public. The top leadership bases its communication on stakeholder identification, prioritization, and commitment (https://www. chick-fil-a.

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For example, the workers understand the overall strategy but they are rarely involved in actual planning. That means that communication about the strategy is usually one-way: top-to-bottom. The strategy might work at the moment but it is not sustainable. The feedback mechanism at the company needs to be better than it is right now if it is to perform at the highest possible level. The managers need to know and understand how their strategies are working at the store level if they want to stay competitive (https://www. For example, all reports show that the company has been reporting a positive and generous cash position. The increasing profits and comfortable cash reserves mean that the firm has implemented its strategy without exceeding its budget.

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Additionally, it is clear that the company has a high functioning feedback system. Its social media pages typically reply within an hour of any complaint being lodged, for example. The tight control has made it possible for the management to implement the strategy within the parameter it set for itself. (Kim, Kim and Reid 40) That said, implementation control is the main mode of control deployed by Chick-Fil-A as it seeks to keep its strategy on track. The management uses a combination of internal and external tools to gauge the progress. Internal metrics stem from data collected by the firm about its customers’ preferences and complaints. These internal dynamics are deployed by the managers to document progress and trigger any warnings if delays occur.

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External metrics include industry standards and aspirations. At the same time, the organization broadcast its wider goals to the public and the more specific ones to the workers. Its employees know what the annual goals are and how they will be measured. Belief in the system means that the employees see the evaluation process as a genuine opportunity to compete and grow (Kim, Kim, and Reid 33). Chick-Fil-A has managed to sustain its objectivity in evaluation meaning that it has accurate evaluation data making it possible for its leaders to plan accordingly. Conclusion and Opinion I have learned that a strategy should not just be a document the leadership looks at when it wants to make a speech or convince the public.

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