Choosing a Good Leader

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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These ideas should be connected in creative ways if the overall goal is to be achieved. Furthermore, the advancing technology requires the implementation of rational decisions, which need adequate expertise that enhance the selection of the most strategic plan. Therefore, senior leaders should inspire the entire company to dream, learn, do, and become more of what they are with time. In other words, selecting the next president should constitute an exceptional process that considers leadership skills and expertise. The transition from one President to the next is the most challenging process in an organization, which requires the selection of a candidate with the most desirable leadership skills, styles and personality. With these attributes, sustainable growth can be guaranteed. A good leader should be able to differentiate between leading and being worshipped.

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He/she should act like other and acknowledge that mistakes are inevitable, which makes him/her not an exceptional. Therefore, he/she should not over-exercise his authority since ding so may promote poor performance (Denhardt, 2015). To avoid these challenges, the leader should act with humility. In addition, adequate communication helps leaders to share the company’s vision with external stakeholders. To achieve organizational goals, the president should encourage team leaders to be persuasive and develop adequate listening abilities that will help them run their teams optimally. Furthermore, leaders are organizers, which means that they should be able to oversee office tasks all through (Denhardt, 2015). Quality administrative skills help top leaders to work with department managers efficiently. Mutual collaboration makes sure that even the tiniest details are followed, which allows the company to maintain its brand base.

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Flexibility is an essential characteristic of a desirable leader. He should adapt to any changes at his disposal since disruptions are inevitable in any setting (Mooney, 2016). He should teach his/her staff to handle chaos and conflicts in an organized manner. However, embracing changes adequately also requires conflict resolution skills, which may help the organization settle for collective decisions. Disputes can only be solved when everyone is encouraged to communicate their concerns. He exhibits personal missions that set him apart from the rest. He/she believes that there is always a better way of handling each activity (Anderson & Sun, 2017). Further, he is seen as a risk taker, which promotes creativity within the organization. Besides, transformational leadership is also essential for a successful organization.

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Transformational leaders strive to motivate employees in ways that inspire them to work smarter to improve the condition of the firm (Anderson & Sun, 2017). The harmony created attracts everyone in such a manner that they acknowledge the need to put aside their individualistic goals and work towards meeting the common interests. However, the style used by the leader to run the company may either promote or suppress the growth of the company, which depends on the approach used when leading. A quality leader should factor ethics in all activities pursued. An ethical president should be in a position to evaluate the impacts of his/her decisions on the company's performance. Although it may be challenging to define what is ideal, a good leader should not be afraid to execute what he/she believes will deliver optimum results.

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