Clinical governance pillars
Clinical governance is comprised of seven pillars which include education and training, clinical audit, clinical effectiveness and research, risk management, patient and public involvement, information and information technology and staff and staff management (Neishabori, Ghorbani R & Sadeghi, 2012, p20). However, this paper seeks to analysis two of the seven pillars based on their impact on patient care or staff experience. Education and training and information and information technology. Education and training Education and training entail the provision of available support to see staff members being competent. Education and training is a continuous process which takes place lifelong to keep clinicians updated on the current matters. It was later supported by Woodring in 2004 hence there was a need to address the issue with immediate effect to achieve quality in health care. Besides, leadership poses a positive impact on employee satisfaction and patients care (Ghamari, Anoosheh et al 2010, p22).
This increases demand for skilled and knowledgeable healthcare providers within organizations that are concerned with the patient's care. Therefore, practitioners are advised to seek education and training develop leadership skills and take leadership positions if they want their views and opinions to have a significant impact on modern and future healthcare by attending leadership programmes, workshops and professional educational seminars on the ground that primary degree does not offer sufficient education on leadership (Nurs, 2018, p25). It is eminent that education and training help the practitioner understand tools to be used. Aforesaid, education and training have led to improved communication between patients, colleagues, and families. Communication is the act of passing information from one person, area or department to the other. In a light of the fact, communication plays a vital role during care provision as far as quality services are concerned.
Initially, it was observed that there was a break down in care provision caused by lack of communication, collaboration and information sharing between healthcare services providers, social care services and patients, hence there were several cases of diagnostic inaccuracy since patients were often not granted an opportunity to tell their story. Interruptions compromised diagnostic accuracy thus affecting clinical decisions made (Bonnie, Teleten, Curry, Vang-Yang et al, 2010, p123). Besides, continuous interaction of myself with other lab and doctors has diversified my knowledge in the sector such that results can be discussed and the decision made with ease. Additionally, teamwork allows workmates to effectively work with each other with openness and without a doubt. As a result, this has increased the performance appraisal of each individual and the entire healthcare group. Personal development has improved with the education and training in the healthcare sector.
The aspect of personal development involves the advancement in self-knowledge, once potential, and quality of life as well as a factor in the realization of dreams and aspirations. For instance, early 2005 healthcare providers could spend much of their time trying to get answers for a certain disease based on symptoms from the internet. This increased time spent serving one patient hence congestion in health centers (Makaryus, & Friedman, 2005, p500). As a matter of fact, I find it convenient and effective when serving as a healthcare practitioner. Am well equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills because of the professional programmes and seminars I tend. I can, therefore, diagnose a disease based on the patient's story. Hospitals errors seem to be a stubborn challenge that has lasted for several years and continues to pose a great threat to public health.
In the last few years before the introduction of clinical governance pillar known as risk management, hospitals errors used to rest mechanisms employed because they failed to address the root cause an implication of weak organizational safety management culture hence affecting service delivery. Public health was at risk due to poor service delivery. Fishbone diagram helps in classifying different potential risk and identifying their root cause so as to provide a solution to the risk permanently. Risk management has been of great importance to this sector since it encourages the use of standardized practices and technology to initiate the workflow. A study contacted in 2014 shows that approximately 1500 hospitals saved nearly $ 988 million from injuries and errors suffered as a result of erroneous lab values when such risks were prevented. Therefore there is a need to embrace risk management to save health care organizations from much expenses incurred (Dan 2018, p1).
Besides the same thing acts to the advantage of patients. For instance, while serving as a healthcare practitioner, I have realized a reduction of readmissions has been a fair affair since it reduces medical costs. There is a need to keep supporting risk management action for better patient's service delivery. It has also reduced high occupancy in health care centers. High occupancy can be applicable to both patients and healthcare practitioners. It means overpopulation in health care organizations. Risk management programs were created to ease congestion by offering adequate facilities to medical service seekers for instance ambulances, constructing adequate hospital wards, adequate staffing, and laboratory test equipment's among others (Cagliano, Grimaldi & Rafele 2011, p 10). This proves that risk implementation programs have played a big role in achieving quality patient's care. Risk Management Handbook For Health Care Organizations (Vol.
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