Coaching Live Case Research
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Management
Before initiating a coaching session, it is important to develop a plan that can be used for facilitation and evaluation purposes. An appropriate coaching plan is also helpful in assembling the necessary tools and resources that will be required during the entire exercise. Coaching Plan A coaching plan is a guide that stipulates the goals, timeline and purpose of this session. The following procedure shows how the coaching exercise will be conducted over the next one week. The first step of a coaching plan is usually called the communication stage. This can be achieved by showing confidence in the trainees and also challenging them to be part of an organization’s solution providers (Fourniess, 2000). It is also relevant for a coach to introduce a particular topic to the trainee before asking him or her to design a possible solution to that scenario.
Such forms of intensified engagement are mostly recommended because they assist in the realization of an individual’s full potential. The plan also encompasses the relevant evaluation strategies that can be utilized by the coach to determine the successfulness of a training session. In these instances, qualitative study methods are often used to evaluate if the coachee has really benefitted from the course or not. After which, both the coach and the trainee can then embark on an evaluation basis to determine the most plausible solution. The second goal of training can be focused on building the trainee’s confidence. With the current dynamic status of the world, it requires that an individual should be confident enough to point out issues or raise their concerns without fearing what other people will say about them.
In an organizational setting, self-confidence is very essential to employees who want to raise legitimate complaints or make proposals about a new business strategy. By having a high level of confidence, senior executive can promote a company’s brand by instantaneously introducing new method of operations. Additionally, by training an individual to embrace self-reflection, the coach is also emulating the unique capabilities of transforming the impossibilities to opportunities. One cause of action that can be utilized to achieve this goal is through the exploration of a trainee’s values before figuring out how they actually influence the person’s major decisions. As such, the coach can enlighten the trainee about the close association between the life values and choices that an individual usually make. Throughout the course, this help the trainee to evaluate himself or herself about the impacts which life values have caused in their decision making process.
A coach can also utilize assessments as a way of testing the self-reflection characteristics of a client. Thus, it requires adequate training and practice before being left to work alone. While testing for a client’s competence in delegation, the coach can also ask the client to create a functional system using limited resources. This idea is meant to evaluate whether a client can manage to maintain organization operations under strained resources. Additionally, the study is designed to ascertain whether the client can motivate the few employees in a company to achieve a higher potential without necessarily outsourcing for services. Another important aspect of delegation is that the clients are trained to motivate their employees at personal level. Secondly, a coach must be insightful so that he or she can critically analyze the present situation to come up with a future solution.
Thirdly, a coach is expected to be highly resilient such that no amount of negativity or frustrations can drag you behind. Additionally, coaches are required to be people of desirable integrity because their clients trust them too much confidential information. Other aspects also include; exceptional listening skills because a coach will have to understand the client’s problem first before embarking on finding a solution, and also a proper understanding of the business world since most of the consultations are aimed at achieving commercial success. Questions to Ask During a coaching session, questions may vary depending on the topic of discussion. During this exercise, the trainer was able to able to interact with the coachee and thereby had an opportunity to obtain firsthand information. It was also an amazing opportunity to interrogate the client who expressed much joy in participating in the training.
During the discussion sessions, the trainer could accept challenging questions from the coachee which were then addressed in a prompt manner. In the quest for finding a long lasting solution, the discussions were open-ended, thus it required a lot of supporting evidences to make a conclusion. Due to this aspect, it is actually believed that this session provided the coachee with the most appropriate responses. While the trainee required in-depth insight into the financial analysis of his proposed business, the coach would only advise on the theoretical aspects of business and investment. Owing to the expenses and urgency of the services, it would be appropriate to liaise with our professionals to assist during such moments. It was also recommended that the training session should be organized in a formal environment rather than confining the even in small room within the compound.
Maybe it is due to this reason that most of the contacted clients could not turn out promptly. However, considering the high costs of acquiring training materials and hiring a space, the coach can only manage these ideas if in a partnership with other lien of business which is looking forward to venture into coaching. A trainer should also strive to possess skills like empathy, integrity, resilience, and business understanding because the practice requires a person who can deeply understand the needs of clients while also promising not to disclose their confidential information. In general, an effective training session should acquaint the trainer will skills like delegation, self-reflection, confidence and conflict management. References Fourniess, F. Coaching for Improved work performance. Revised Edition.
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