Coca Cola Integrated Marketing Communications

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Marketing

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Integrated Communications Campaigns by Coca-Cola 1st Case: “Share a coke with” Campaign https://www. google. com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiww7W_vOfbAhWJvxQKHZbtAPEQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmoney. cnn. com%2F2015%2F04%2F14%2Fnews%2Fcompanies%2Fname-share-a-coke-bottle%2Findex. Popular names were use in this advertisement as a way to appeal to an individual, but the company did not forget those who had less popular names. They were given a chance to go online and order their custom made personalized coca cola bottles as they shared the fun with others. The advertisement reaches the consumer at the point of decision making when they realize that there is need to enjoy life moments with the people on more affordable costs so evaluate their options to having a tastier drink.

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Coca cola is undoubtedly the most affordable and quality soft drink that has existed in the past century. It is also distributed almost everywhere even in the most remote areas, so the product was on consumers reach. The advert was the campaign for Open happiness and it appears to have taken place in an open setting with two happy people who look like they are having fun. The background that the advertisement took place in was not colorful but the fact that the company decided to use good looking cheerful boys became appealing to the eyes of a consumer. Though the slogan open happiness had been around since 2009, this particular advert was shot later years. The demographic target of this advert was to reach out to the youth. The fact that the youth have in quite a number of circumstances been associated with having happiness after the use of alcoholic drinks made this advertisement popular in the sense that coca cola had noticed their need for happiness without repercussions and given it to them.

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The campaign utilized the use of social media, the internet and televisions to reach out to the millennial generation and give them better option to happiness. The campaign is consistent with the 3 Ps of pricing, product and place since it offers quality for lesser and anywhere. rd Case: Play Refreshed https://www. google. com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi9ypq9t-fbAhVE7BQKHbjIAjcQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsportspaper. This advert was mainly focused on reinforcing purchase of coca cola. The campaign during the year it was done was integrated in the sense that the use of bill boards and televisions were harmoniously utilized to cut across the globe. This shows that the advert was consistent with the 3Ps of product, pricing since the coca cola brand has always been quite affordable over time and place for its distribution has been experienced across the globe.

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Conclusion Coca cola company has risen very fast with the fact that the company strategies way before the release of an advertisement. The research to appeal and find out what best suits and Constant use of regular relatable advertisements has put the Company in a top position. Aantjes, C. Coca-cola enterprises optimizes vehicle routes for efficient product delivery. Interfaces, 38(1), 40-50. Pincas, S. Loiseau, M.

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