Collective security act

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

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Most people that benefited from this program are elderly and people with disabilities. This essay will be discussing the Social security act exploring its developments over the years, reflecting the values of various stakeholders, ideologies insight, and finally critiquing it using the conflict theory. After the Civil War, the government was providing governmental pension to thousands of troupers wounded in the war and their widows and orphans. However, the government needed a more effective response to protect workers, especially those who were older, in case of any future financial catastrophe. On June 8, 1934, after the widespread suffering caused by the Great Depression, Head of state Franklin D. Older adults have been the most beneficiary of this program. Some of the most important contributions that the Social Security Act gave to the older adult population were Title I and Title II.

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Title I, Contributions to Federations for Old-Age Support, which reinforced national well-being suites for the old, and Title II, is the State Old-Age Benefits, provided monthly payments to its beneficiaries. These welfares were to be grounded on payroll tax contributions. Workers would be making regular monthly payments to a joint account fund towards their retirement benefits. A social security net for the aged, social security was created to protect the aged individuals who could not work from living in poverty. Conservatism opposes social security, for it has deviated from its primary cause of implementation. The act has widely grown to accommodate new groups like the people with disabilities, home workers, farmworkers, non-farm independent experts, nonprofit employees, and charges and survivors of primary workers. The increased groups have led to a financial shortfall in the security program as they did not bring the past contribution since the creation of the act (Terris, 1999).

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Life expectancy in the USA has increased by seventeen years since the start of the program. Additionally, there exist both private-seeking enterprises and charitable institutions with edges created to advance a wide range of shared purposes like protection against risks. Secondly, the social act puts everyone in a colossal compulsory program that hinders them from pursuing a cheap private alternative. According to libertarians, it is the responsibility of every individual to plan for their retirement and not the government. People should be given voluntary freedom in the private sector. The program currently deducts a tax of 6. Hayek accepts public assistance for the poor by requiring them to purchase insurance and save for retirement. Liberals support the social security act. According to liberals, it is among the most successful government programs in the country.

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The program has enabled many to get out of poverty and give people a dignified retirement. Additionally, the program has given the disabled, old, and veterans inclusive of their family security. Billionaires and millionaires should be taxed more to inject a significant amount in the social security fund. It can only be possible by increasing the amount of income subject to tax (Derthick, 2011). Additionally, the government should reduce the benefits of high earning individuals while maintaining progressive benefits for workers. Lastly, the government should increase the current retirement age of sixty-seven but exclude workers. Workers have a low life expectancy when compared to the rich. The libertarians believe in capitalism bringing a dispute with the conservatives and liberals. The three groups will always be under conflict regarding the social security act because they each will want to maximize the people’s support of their ideology to become active.

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Therefore the primary source of disagreement about the social security act is decided to use. The program will always be a conflict because each side has a lot to lose in terms of money or benefits. The social security act has undergone various changes that have resulted in the inclusion of multiple stakeholders in the program. G. Judicial Acts and Cultural Selection [J]. Science of Law (Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law), 5. Terris, M. National health insurance in the United States: A drama in too many acts.

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