Colorectal Cancer Case Study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Also, for the assessment to be effective in meeting the goal of helping the patient achieve improved health outcomes. Rather than acknowledging just the existence of the symptom in a yes or no format, a detailed evaluation of Betty’s experience should be achieved to achieve clarity on other aspects of Betty’s condition as well. One of the appropriate assessments for Betty’s condition includes the Morrow Assessment of Nausea and Emesis (MANE) which assesses the duration, severity and frequency of post- and pre- chemotherapy related emesis and nausea (Morrow, 1992). This assessment tool focuses on the therapeutic area of neoplasms and is thus suitable for Betty who has undergone surgery for cancer and has also been subjected to chemotherapy, a strong causal factor for the symptoms she is experiencing.

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Also, the OSOBA Nausea and Emesis Module will be used to assess her symptoms regarding chemotherapy-induced nausea and emesis (CINE) (Martin et al, 2003). The role of the dietitian in this context would be to help Betty understand what she is supposed to eat and what she is supposed to avoid. In summary, the dietitian would be vital in providing guidance on the ideal diet that would help Betty achieve good health despite the cancer treatments that she has to endure and which have a significant impact on her gastrointestinal system. The need for oncology treatment is evident in the dramatic weightless that cancer patients experience (Ravasco et al. The dietitian will play an important role in Betty’s managing including assessing whether Betty is at high risk of drastic weight loss or malnutrition and closely partner with her in maintaining her nutritional status in the face of chemotherapy and post-surgery cover (Isenring, Capra, & Bauer, 2004).

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Also, the dietitian will be important in using proper nutrition as a tool for easing the side effects of cancer treatment, avoiding interruptions in treatment and enhancing Betty’s quality of life (Mariette,De Botton & Piessen,2012). The Australian government has also promoted the mass quitting of cigarette smoking to reduce the incidence of tobacco-related cancers which consist of a multiplicity of cancers include oral and lung cancer. Through the Quitnow National Tobacco Campaign, the government aims at reducing the mortalities and morbidities related to tobacco smoking, many of which are due to cancer. Another initiative by Australian authorities that impacts one of the risk factors for cancer is the National Binge Drinking Campaign which aims at reducing alcohol intake among Australians.

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Also, health literacy programs for the prevention of skin cancer which is prevalent in Australia involves advising the community on how to dress to avoid the harmful effects of UV radiation (Stanton et al, 2004). Through encouraging the adoption of healthy lifestyles, a reduced intake of alcohol and tobacco, and widespread cancer screening, many risk factors for cancer are covered by these preventive measures.  European journal of cancer care, 14(3), 232-243. Mariette, C. , De Botton, M. L. , & Piessen, G. , & Osoba, D. Measuring chemotherapy‐induced nausea and emesis.  Cancer, 98(3), 645-655. Molassiotis, A. , Coventry, P. Morrow, G. R. A patient report measure for the quantification of chemotherapy induced nausea and emesis: psychometric properties of the Morrow assessment of nausea and emesis (MANE).  The British journal of cancer.

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