Communication in Nursing Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

According to Nico's scenario, he is feeling frustrated due to the idleness and the less communication he has with his wife. He was always engaged in other activities back then when he lived on the farm. The events kept him from thinking and having emotional battles in his mind and heart. Putting up with the new lifestyle has been challenging for both Nicos and Barbara. However, Barbara adapts easily as she spends most of her time doing the house chores, visiting her grandchildren and attending Yoga classes at the adjacent health facility. He thinks that depression should not be considered as a medical disorder. To convince Nicos that he is suffering from depression, I would use the first strategy which is listening without interrupting his statements.

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I would let him express himself and open up about the issues that facilitated his current condition. Selling his farm is the primary factor that led to his stressful condition. Listening to Nicos will help him feel secure since I will not comment or make statements that will make him feel inferior or insecure about sharing his issues (Wright, 2016). The final strategy would be ensuring that I practice honesty in everything I do. Honesty, helps the client gain enough stability of the things or topics being discussed. For instance, Nicos will not feel bothered in any way since I will support my answers and suggestions with honest statements. To develop a rapport with Nicos, I would make sure that he trusts me such that he will not feel uncomfortable sharing his private information through all the sessions.

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His wife attends the first meeting with him and lets him continue alone. Some of this factors may not be limited to just his relationship with his land, wife or son’s family. Some of these factors could be barricaded in his personality as a man. They could also be based on the social culture surrounding him in his current location or those that he has left behind. One of the main barriers to effective communication (marriage. com 2017), is a person’s feelings on the matter at hand. The way to deal with this barrier is to be patient with Nicos and also to show him kindness. It would also be wise to advise him on better ways to utilize his daytime hours productively.

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This would not only boost his confidence but also help him express himself better and also have a better relationship with his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. Nicos inability to express himself can also be as a result of the sudden change in environment. At his age shifting and adapting to a new environment could be stressing. It also benefits the patient in that a pool of knowledge is created to help deal with his specific problem. And help find permanent solutions to the problem. There are a variety of ethical considerations practiced when and during interpersonal relationships. The first one is privacy. There are some things that the clients would like to remain with himself and his first therapist. marriage.

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