Community Health Assessment Baton Rouge

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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This community assessment is conducted on Baton Rouge community. The team that contributed to the success of the assessment includes the office of the mayor, community members, Mayor’s health program and various health organizations found within Baton Rouge. Community’s Profile The city is situated on the Southeast section of the state. Baton Rouge has created a wall to enhance security, particularly in the low-lying farming regions. One of the significant landmarks is the Istrouma Buff and Mississippi river delta that protects the city from heavy flooding. The estimated per capita income is at $26, 954 in 2016 against 18, and 512 in 2000, indicating a steady rise in the economic growth of Baton Rouge. On assessing the religious affluence, 68. 14% of the population is religious (‘U.

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S Gazette Files’, 2016). The majority are Catholics at 22. Also, the school has a category of school sports fan. A steady increase in growth is hence recorded in all corners of the city (‘Baton Rouge’, 2015). The city of Baton Rouge records cheap living standards as compared to other cities within the U. S, the ideal cost for basic commodities is keeping up with that of the national average with a relatively low median household income. Baton Rouge record high HIV/AIDS prevalence, a fact that distinguishes it from other cities. 5% with 3,429. The American Indians account for 0. 2% same as the category for other races, with a population number of 442 and 511 respectively. Windshield Survey As I drove through the city during my windshield survey, I noticed groups of people walking and loitering, there is a group of people spotted at some convenient stores.

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The region seems to be much safe. The city records a high number of visitors especially during the weekends, which often come to watch football (‘Baton Rouge”). Other available hotels are those designed for business operators working within the region. Government officials are also catered for, they would find quite a place which offers quality rest and sleep. Another category of hotels are those established for a major function such as wedding and other events, which offer higher rates. Cheap hotels can be found along airline highways. There are a lot of outdoor activities that enhance socialization in Baton Rouge. Several parks are evident in the cities which are maintained by Louisiana state parks, some of the parks are free while others require some fee (‘Louisiana Department of Culture Recreation and Tourism’, 2018).

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Common activities carried out for the recreational purpose include birding, rugby, horseback riding, fishing, swimming among several others. The area experiences drastic temperature changes which affect the people’s decision to go out. High temperatures are experienced during summer while humidity is high throughout the year. Healthcare is provided by the acute care hospitals, specialized hospitals, and multipartite clinics. The healthcare service offers a wide range of services which are beneficial to the residents of Baton Rouge. An example of the hospitals is Baton Rouge General Hospital that offers a wide range of services such as pediatric, burn and Pennington Cancer Centre. Moving about, within, and from Baton Rouge is fairly easy, there are two major interstates roads that run through the town, 1-10 and 1-12.

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Also, there are highways that act as major thoroughfares such as U. The common issue with transportation is congestion. The region reports high levels of congestion. It also records a high ratio of population to congestion rank. The city records a percentage higher than average of the general population household not using vehicles (‘Baton Rouge’, 2015). A 2016 community survey indicated that the majority of the population at 81. The city has enacted adequate facilities that makes operation easier. The services of interest include communication, healthcare services, utilities and military services. Communication is facilitated by the high-speed internet, fiber optic and broadband. Communication in Baton Rouge is majorly provided by charter communications amongst other companies (‘Baton Rouge’). On health and medicine, the region obtains its healthcare services from a number of clinics and hospitals which offer a variety of services.

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The mayor-president coordinates the executive activities from the office of mayor of Baton Rouge and the president of East Baton Rouge Parish (EBR). The mayor-president has specific job descriptions that entail planning the agenda for the government and running the daily activities of the government. The metropolitan council is responsible for enacting the city’s public policy while the president mayor only has a little influence on them. The city of Baton Rouge experiences cultural diversity as it contains a mix of South Louisiana cultures. The Hispanics make up the largest population percentage of the population resulting most of its unique culture and heritage is commonly practiced. The region also hosts the fourth largest oil refinery company in the country but ranks the tenth largest worldwide, it is known as the ExxonMobil’s refinery complex.

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The city is also endowed with accessible water, pipelines, rails, and highways. The numbers of industries in the city are numerous and each serves a particular function. Several processing plants and business enterprises are also evident, explaining why the city of Barton Rouge is thriving economically. The Dow chemical company has a large plant that is located south of Baton Rouge. Individuals earning low incomes, most likely do not secure health insurance covers hence compromising them from accessing better healthcare. People living in poverty would also tend to live in insecure neighborhoods with unstable housing and poor dietary choices. Poor socioeconomic conditions of unhealthy environmental background pose a risk to the health of individuals (Ethier et al, 2017). An unhealthy environment makes it difficult to identify risk factors and implement preventive care strategies early enough.

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As a result, problems are left unsolved until they become chronic. On child mortality, Baton Rouge recorded 93. 7 against the country’s 75. On the quality of life, East Baton Rouge recorded 16% on poor or fair health against that of Louisiana at 20%. The low birth weight was at 12% while that of the country was at 10. The city of Baton Rouge also recorded poor physical health days and poor mental health days all which recorded lower percentage than that of Louisiana. While evaluating some behaviors and conduct, Excessive drinking scored a15% while the country had a score of 16%. Driving deaths due to alcohol impairment were at 31% in the city of Baton Rouge while that of the country was at 33% (‘AHA’, 2015). Also, there was a recording of deaths due to motor vehicle crashes whereby Baton Rouge Scored15% against Louisiana’s 20%.

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An assessment of the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases indicated that Baton Rouge had 584 while the country of Louisiana had 594. The rate of teen births was also evaluated Baton Rouge recorded a number of 40 while Louisiana recorded 50. The number of preventable hospital stays was recorded by Baton Rouge at 44 with Louisiana at 80. Diabetic monitoring scores an equal percentage of 82% in both Baton Rouge and Louisiana. The assessment of mammography screening scored a percentage of 65. 4 in Baton Rouge and 59. 8% in Louisiana. Some of the negative lifestyle behaviors seen in the city of Baton Rouge include smoking, alcohol consumption, violence, poor dietary practices, physical activity and oral health. To begin with, smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart conditions, coupled with several other organ malfunctions such as obstructive pulmonary disease (‘AHA’, 2015).

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To curb smoking, the local hospitals such as Baton Rouge General Hospital in conjunction with the healthy Baton Rouge for the breath free campaign advocates on increasing awareness on the negative impacts of smoking. Also, the hospitals in BR offer counseling on smoking cessation to help save life. Alcohol consumption is attributed to misconduct and risky behaviors in the city of BR. 9% record frequenting the dentist’s office. Cases of oral health are common and this impairs the quality of life. There is the mission of mercy dental clinic that works to address the oral issues experienced by the people of BR. Another negative behavioral activity that impairs health is the violence and criminal activities; the city records a relatively higher incidence of violence as compared to that of Louisiana (‘Baton Rouge’).

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A number of organizations have however been put in place to curb the violent activities, such include law enforcement, the city’s parish brave program, and social services. East Baton Rouge indicates a 17%of the uninsured population, which is a positive progress as compared to the later years (‘AHA’, 2015). The 2015 survey, however, record a 22% of uninsured adults and a 5% of uninsured children. Baton Rouge General issued free to aid in the acquisition process of Affordable Care Act health policy. Also, Baton Rouge has offered a series of informative materials that enlighten the people through the process of acquiring ACA and the benefits that come with it. Convenience and accessibility to healthcare facilities is another factor that acts as a barrier to healthcare.

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Main Health Concern of the Project This project majorly focuses on HIV/AIDS as an epidemic and the topmost health concern in the city of Baton Rouge Louisiana. The primary purpose of the project is to enlighten masses on the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and its direct and indirect impacts on them. The Human Immune Deficiency Virus and the sexually transmitted diseases are attributed to the region of high morbidity and mortality rates (‘Baton Rouge’,2005). The city of Baton Rouge records increased cases of HIV diagnosis, especially in the communities of African American. 25% of the population account for a new diagnosis, the same percentage accounts for people living with the condition already. The second objective is getting people to know their HIV status by encouraging them to test themselves.

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A number of Prevention and treatment strategies are hence set to help alleviate the epidemic. Specific intervention activities are then set to meet the objectives. I then picked a nursing diagnosis that majored in HIV contraction risks among the males and female Black American within the city of Baton Rouge. The diagnosis is attributed to insufficient knowledge of disease status, little awareness of the disease, engagement in unprotected sexual activities and sharing of needles. Another strategy that I employed to be able to convince people to participate in the program of free testing was involving a client who was also diagnosed with HIV. The client happened to be a longtime friend, whom on interviewing disclosed on various concerns. Some of the issues raised were stigmatization, and refusal to cooperate in the conduction of free testing services.

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The interviewed friend played a significant role in enabling me to meet my objective of encouraging people to test and now their status. I involved the guy in my awareness campaign and noticed he had much influence convincing people to carry on with the free testing. The education session was intensive and incorporated a long period of questions and answers session, after education on the basic information. In order to ensure maximum attendance of the education sessions, I organized for a group of people located in different areas. The people would issue pamphlets that had details on the place where the educative seminars and testing were to be conducted. Also, a programme line up of the intended activities was indicated (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016).

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Announcements over the radio and televisions also enabled us to notify people. Among the things taught were the cause of HIV/AIDS, the signs and symptom presented by the condition, the challenges faced by those affected and infected and strategies to prevent the disease. Other social factors were included in the teaching and such entailed ways to deal with issues of stigma. Cases of depression as a result of being affected were also common, and methods of handling them also identified. A coupled of people helped with the free distribution of condoms. A demonstration with a model of male and female organs was used to bring out the clear picture, of how to use a condom. Another evaluation strategy was to determine the success of the interventions, this was determined by the number of people who showed up to test at the end, and those who indicated positive remarks of being inspired to live positively (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016).

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After the training, there was a platform for asking questions, and the type of questions demonstrated the degree of understanding during the awareness campaign. The proposed evaluation strategy, brought issues of people not understanding the prognosis of HIV and AIDS, how one not showing the actual physical symptoms would be having the virus. As much as the goal was met at a fair rate, the particular intended purpose was still not achieved. At the end, only a handful managed to get tested while others still hid in fear. The city also has a good transportation system and numerous parks and recreational sites. The city offers one of the best engineering and medical fields. The area hosts one of the greatest University, making it a center of educational excellence as well.

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Apart from the positive aspects, Baton Rouge records a number of challenges in the health sector, such as teen births and substance abuse. However, the topmost problem is HIV and STDs, this project has come up with suitable intervention strategies, and identified relevant resources which would aid in the implementation process. Achieved from the originals. Retrieved June 2018 ‘City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge’ (2018). Baton Rouge Government Website. Retrieved 16th June 2018. Ethier et al (2017), “eSource for Clinical Trials: Implementation and Evaluation of a Standards-based Approach in a real World Trial. Stanhope, M. , & Lancaster. (2016), “Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community (9th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Mosby. Villavaso, S. D. (2014), “Decision to know: City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge V.

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