Community health plan
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
In the community, there are public health issues that are identified to contribute to poor health outcomes in the community. Such issues include drug use and abuse, nutrition or lifestyle issues evidenced by obese residents, economic issues which all act as determinants of health in the community. Community partnerships are key as they will inform of community-friendly interventions that are sensitive to the community's cultural and religious needs in ensuring that the needs are met. The partnership with the community will play the role of establishing ownership for interventions and the sustainability of the health interventions that will be set up in the location. Influence of social determinants of health Determinants of health are those social, economic, cultural or individual factors that affect the health outcome of an individual (Martínez-García et al.
There are also visible families on the streets which indicate an existence of a strong family support structures in the community. Social structures improve the overall income of the community. The environment is another key determinant of health. The environment in which the community lives is divided according to the level of economic abilities of the individuals. The low-income populations such as the homeless people living environments along river banks, on the foothills expose them to poor health outcomes. Adult Obesity rate 20% 21. Foreign-born residents 29. The sampled city data compares with the state data to inform on the likely health issues in the community. In the comparative data, Azusa has lower education level percentages for high school and Bachelor’s level compared to the state data. Low education rate is a likely determinant of likely low health literacy which is likely to lead to poor health choices and outcomes.
Low health literacy is a contributor to the development of health issues that can be easily prevented through health education and improved health care access. The high incidence of teen pregnancy in the community is an indicator of low health literacy on contraceptive use and also on safe sex. Teen pregnancies increase the risk for maternal mortality and birth complications. The increased cases of gangs and drug abuse in the community is a likely contributing factor to the increased low health literacy. Healthy People 2020 leading health indicator (LHI) An important healthy people 2020 LHI the access to health care services. Utilizing existing data and community profiles, make it possible to identify possible partners and opposition in the community prior to designing interventions in the community. The goal of community partnership: To establish effective community linkages that can enable the establishment of community-friendly and community-centered interventions.
Planned action: Mapping out of possible partners in the community and opposition within the communities for collaboration. Analysis of community profiles and existing data of the community to identify community health gaps and needs for interventions in the community. Needed resources: Statistical data on the community targeted. healthypeople. gov/2020/leading-health-indicators/2020-lhi-topics/Access-to-Health-Services Brändström, L. Mazaz, N. Berggren, I. Nurse collaboration in community and psychiatric care: a Swedish study. doi. org/10. cpr.
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