Compare and Contrast Urban vs Rural living

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Factors such as environment, population and utilities bring out the differences. Some people argue that the city lifestyle offers more benefits to them. They would rather exchange peace for the lifestyle. Others are contented with the peaceful environment of the village. Not all cities are similar and not all countryside is identical. Houses in rural areas do not go beyond 3 floors. The place is not packed or suffocated. The large population in cities forces involved investors to build houses with many floors. There is no room for expansion. The lifestyle of people differs due to such differences in settlement. Rural roads are dark and nearby homes do not have security lights. It’s also crucial for one to consider water supply before moving to a different social settings.

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In urban areas, there is tapped water in the houses. The supply of water in the rural areas is from springs, rivers and rainfall. Before moving to rural areas, it is important for one to know that the area has fewer basic utilities. Their products are similar. They have to cooperate on the sale to avoid disputes. (Donggen and Shenjing ) (Samantha ) Recreational activities in the two settings is also different. In urban areas people relax in hotels and night clubs. Some of them cannot afford to pay for recreation in such areas. Sometimes, one has to take a long ride to get where commodities are. This influences shopping styles in rural areas. Grocery shopping is put in their monthly schedules. They set a day when they are going to buy all groceries that will last a month.

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Shopping is more convenient in urban areas. This also explains the kind of pressure that people in urban areas have to withstand. Poor sleep and lack of rest is common for almost every town dweller. (Samantha ) (Donggen and Shenjing ) There is also a very big difference in family systems of people living in rural areas and those in urban settlements. Considering all other factors, families in rural settlements embrace values of respect and obedience. Parents are respected by their kids and what they have to say matters. People try to avoid strangers because of trust issues. People are not permanently settled in a flat. One can have different neighbors in the same house over a short period. It is better for one to maintain their personal space in such urban settings.

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One cannot trust a complete stranger. Kindergartens are not common in rural settings. This reflects as rural disadvantage. Children have to travel for long distances to school. (James ) If one is looking for career progression and better working conditions, then the town is the place to be. Urban areas are favorable for good professional progress. Growth indicators in the two settings are inconsistent. Rural children feed well. They are not likely to show malnutrition. Reports show that nutrition is usually better in the rural areas. (Donggen and Shenjing ) There is a huge difference between spirituality of urban and rural dwellers. Lack of such values leads to increase in crimes in the city. (Donggen and Shenjing ) People in rural areas do not care about what they dress on.

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They do not care when they wear sneakers and sweatpants. They consider this as a place where people knew them since birth. In urban areas, people find the need to dress up and look neat. It’s like a ticket to a better life. I prefer to live in the rural areas. The place is peaceful and with fewer disturbances. Countryside brings one closer to nature. It’s good for one to be surrounded by a clean and peaceful environment. People in rural areas have their own farms. They produce eggs, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. The earnings in rural areas may be lower but the cost of living is considerably lower. People living in rural areas do not waste their money purchasing unnecessary things.

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There are no hawkers and displays to stimulate impulse buying. You can get quality items using little cash. Buying and establishing properties in the rural areas is also cheaper. Property taxes are lower and this makes the investment cheaper than in the urban areas. People in rural areas have farms where they plant groceries. They save more money because they do not have to buy them from groceries. In this setting, children appreciate everything that is offered to them. (James ) (Samantha ) Big cities have competitive individuals. People prefer cities because of the modern facilities and many job opportunities. Although rural areas have fewer opportunities, they remain less polluted, less crowded and with healthy lifestyles. There is increase in human contact in such areas.

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