Comparing Adult Learning to Traditional
They fit any category, 40% are either on part-time while another 40% overlaps the two years in college. More than the halves of the nontraditional students do make up the adult learners (CCU, 2011). Defining, the adult student may seem easy to many but it is defined depending on the kind of school one is. Some schools defy it as students that have transferred from other schools, and they are the same age as the traditional student. Regardless of these, it is useful to learn that adult learner usually differs from the traditional students despite having some few similarities. It is important to note that not all non-traditional educators. Traditional learners This is also a category of students at the college and the university level. They are students in post-secondary aged between 18 to 22 years.
These students enrolled directly from high school joining the tertiary levels of education; they also attend school at a full-time basis, not like their counterpart from adult students who participate on a part-time basis (CCU, 2011). They also live on campus or around campus, and they don't have major life or work responsibilities. Experience An adult is considered to be self-directed whereas the traditional students are seen to be adult depended. For the traditional students, they are required to depend on their adults for what they will learn next and thus the subject matters. For adults, learning is a self-directed endeavor they have less structure and oversight is required for the educator. Classroom management Adult students do have any problem with their classroom management. However, their work school schedule does conflict their timetable.
They physically go to meetings instead of using current technology such as Skype to communicate. They are not well adverse to the available technology in the market. Adult learning application to the workplace Adult learning is considered one of the theories on how adults learn. As it has been noted above that adult learn differently compared to other counterpart traditional students. Adults are seen to be bringing their real-life experience to the learning environment (Merriam, Caffarella & Baumgartner, 2007). This experience should also be brought to the workplaces. Workers should ensure they bring new learning experience into the workplace. Since they have already some acquired learning experience, they should bring a new experience to the current workplace. Readiness to learn depending on the need For adults to deal with the life situations, they are always ready to learn to depend on the need.
Life situations compel them to learn so that they care for a child who has been diagnosed with a disease or even learn to cook healthy food to prevent health risks. They should be able to know how new knowledge can solve a particular problem in the workplace by knowing what they need to learn. References CCU CAGS (2011) How Adult learn compared to Younger Learners. Retrieved from http://www. ccu. edu/blogs/cags/2011/10/how-adults-learn-compared-to-younger-learners/ Knowles, M. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Pascarella, Ernest T. Terenzini, Patrick T (Winter 1998). Studying College Students in the 21st Century: Meeting New Challenges". The Review of Higher Education.
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