Comparison between australias and chinas response to climate change

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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These conditions are increasing in terms of their rates and magnitude. The effects have been evident in many countries. For instance, having extended periods of drought or dryness and constant heat waves, most of the countries in the world have been suffering from low water levels and subsequently low levels of crop production as well as increased incidences of wildfires. In addition, storms and floods have been witnessed, happening more frequently and stronger than before (Schewe & Stuart, 2016). As a result, many countries have come up with various new policies, partnerships, and tools that would aid in upgrading the previous efforts used as a response to climate change in the best way possible. Nonetheless, there are still increasing rates of emissions in Australia.

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With the lack of proper measures to counter this problem, it is estimated that by 2020 the emissions will have risen by a high percentage (estimated at 20%) (Akter & Bennett, 2011). This is the reason as to why the country is suggesting a more marketable approach towards responding to climate change. This is expected to help Australia achieve an optimal legal framework. That alone isn’t helpful as legal actions are also required for the reduction of emissions and to help achieve better results. The establishment of the Climate Change Research Program (CCRP) has helped the control of the greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector. Nitrous oxide and methane are the major gases produced from livestock in Australia. With constant support from the Australian government through funding, carbon emissions get tremendously reduced.

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The research team proposes the advancement if the technology to help improve the approaches for effective reduction of greenhouse gases. Such projects are also supported by the government by improving the methods used to measure emissions from livestock. This is evident when the country still relies on energy sources that are of low cost and cumbersome, including coal, despite the fact that the emission practices have not been widespread yet. All this can be attributed to the fact that a large number of people still are not aware of the consequences of their actions as well as the role that they play in the reduction of carbon emissions. However, the government has worked hard trying to seek for s cleaner and more renewable source of energy.

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Instead of the citizens working together with the government, they pass on their responsibility to the government while blaming it for the climatic changes. For a number of years, the government has been trying to regulate the usage of cars that emit fumes into the air causing pollution through the reduction of traffic jams. This makes the government work for the best of the country and the people living in it first before considering the world at large. This has caused the country to become one of the leading nations pressing for climate change (Jakob & Steckel, 2013). Generally, China considers two major issues when addressing the problem. First of all, the country has taken into consideration the issue of national security. The government has developed a low carbon model with the intention of striking a balance between the development of the economy and reducing the emission of gases into the air.

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Australia’s response lacks a legal approach that would effectively restrict carbon emission. This has been blamed on the political resistance to create some legal policies that would help the country grow economically and competitively. Nonetheless, there are still increasing rates of emissions in Australia. On the other hand, the Chinese government has developed a low carbon model with the intention of striking a balance between the development of the economy and reducing the emission of gases into the air. These two need to be accomplished together for a better and more efficient approach to climate change. Jakob, M. and Steckel, J. How climate change mitigation could harm development in poor countries.  Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 5(2), pp. Mayer, B.  Rural Sociology, 82(2), pp.

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