Conflict in clinical settings

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Though conflict in nursing department is considered as an adverse issue it can be solved care management matters and can result in both organizational and individual development. If the conflict is not well managed it may create a barrier in teamwork and it may eventually result in minimal productivity, thus its efficient management, as well as resolution, is quite important. Conflict is most frequently described as a dissimilarity whereby the parties that are involved usually feels intimidated and also concerned, however, the conflict has more than that Martinez-Tur V et al (2014),. Conflict comprises specific substantive, procedural as well as psychological dimensions and its type and form can change by the personalized perceptions of the associates. According to the previous studies, an attempt has been made to provide definitions of varieties of conflict experienced by nurses in a health institution setting.

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It's crucial for managers to adequately identify the above stages to alter with one stage of conflict that is commonly recognized for their intended objectives. In regards to this approach, the management practice of nursing is invaded by conflicts. Many healthcare institution organization and nurses associations are integrated into means a task is ordered, that refrain from the thoughts of loyalty to organizations and values acknowledgment associated with the virtuous concerns. The fundamental values; discipline, commitment, harmony, authority, and engagement stands out and these results to a feeling that displays military nature as well as religious tenacity that estimates symbols as well as myths that functions as the ground of the practice in nursing. Apart from the nurse's management practice is always aimed at the principles of the theory of classical administrative that focuses on rationality as well as productivity of work that exposes inducing and intervenient conflict factors in public relations to a certain extent.

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The definition displays three primary types of conflict. Goal conflict refers to a situation whereby preferred outcomes or desired end states seems to have incompatibility. Cognitive conflict is a case where the thoughts or an idea between individuals appears to be inconsistent. The other type of conflict is effective conflict, and this refers to a case whereby the emotions or feelings are not compatible; i. e. Intrapersonal conflict happens within a person, intergroup conflict happens between teams, group or individual, Interpersonal conflicts arise between individuals and intra-organizational conflict occurs within organizations. Interpersonal conflict is a level of conflict that happens within an individual, always engages a bit of cognitive conflict or goal conflict. Concerning goal conflict, it occurs between individuals whereby their behaviors will end up with results that contain compatible elements or mutually exclusive.

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There are various types of interpersonal conflict. Approach-approach conflict refers to a case in which an individual has an alternative either in two or more choices which has positive effects; for instance a situation in which a person is deciding two jobs that appear to be charming. These conflicts can overlap and particularly with role conflict. They have distinctive features. Conflict occurrence can interfere with the ability of nurses to carry out their duties and grow professionally. According to Iglesias Elena and Ricardo (2012), they found that one of the critical factors that are affecting nurses professionalism if not well checked is conflict. Conflict is a crucial matter that occurs in various organizations particularly health care institutions where human interactions are happening continuously.

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The meaning of the relationship is being related or linked positively. Therefore relationship performs a vital role in raising and resolving conflicts efficiently. Martin et al. Argued that relationships are considered as the crucial origin of pleasure and offer defense towards stress and due to the beneficial relationship, people acquire active assistance for tedious tasks and problems in jobs, companionship and emotional encouragement in everyday life. Contrarily if there is no functional relationship conflict will emerge, and the results would be miserable working environment and distress. information concealed may be crucial to the well being of the patient. Due to this incidence, the physician may lose the support from the staff and he or she may be isolated from the rest.

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The problem may become severe and this can result to retaliation which may occur in different forms such as low assistance, lawsuits initiations, plaintiff support in a misconduct suit towards the physician, and also malignant disruption of the practice. The rate of conflict is currently increasing in multiple workplaces and many individuals lack the ability to deal with stresses of life. In the US a population of over one million employees is assaulted annually. Workplaces that are potentially vulnerable should have an enhanced security evaluation and entry to such areas should be restricted, mostly at night, for the security of the staff. It is also necessary to set a protocol that can be easily activated whenever such cases arise. Staff safety should be the key concern to the administrative leaders.

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Impact on the Primary Participants of the Conflict According to (Johansen ML, 2012), argues that conflict in the health institutions appears to have more complications since they always include complex associations based on emotion. In health institution, one can associate with several humans with diversity for instance nurses, individuals from similar or different departments or even managers. Managers undergo these kinds of conflicts that emerge from insufficient skills more than any other reasons, Glady T. After the nurses join the clients care settings, mostly they usually contain limited chance to acquire those skills through training. The leading cause most misfortune in clients care includes, improper communication, low respect, delayed care, medication error, religious as well as cultural violations that would directly impact the picture of an organization, and as a result, the poor job satisfaction, as well as staff turnover, will be accelerated.

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Therefore it‘s crucial for a leader in the department of nursing to determine the background of the conflict. It's essential for a leader to have particular skills to escape this issue and boost patient care quality. Problem-solving behavior is permitting people to display their objectives and opinions, they consider positively since the leader indicating interests in their issues. Therefore, after the employee perceives their benefits, the feeling of stress control situation boosts, and thus adverse effects of conflict minimize. This demonstrates the style of participatory leadership whereby the employees are offered a chance to take part in the process of making decisions, which reduces stress feeling. According to Maboko DR (2011), including subordinates in problem-solving results in team spirit, that offers better solutions, job satisfaction as well as cost-effectiveness.

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Nevertheless, in case of any conflict, it's always essential for authorized leaders to make sure that the issue is adequately addressed. Learning how to eradicate conflict may assist nurses to admire more satisfaction to their careers and also gain positive results towards patient care. Moreover, nurses always become more concerned with how there are handled. If handled with dignity and respect by team workers and managers, in combination with their positive association and morale, generally they will have a good environment for work with minimal conflicts. REFERENCE Begley, C. M. doi:10. 1108/eb022868 Brinkert, R. A literature review of conflict communication causes, costs, benefits and interventions in nursing.  Journal of Nursing Management,18(2), 145-156. doi:10. Hospital Topics: Johansen, M. L. Keeping the peace.

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