Construction Project Scheduling

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Some of the common ways that contractors perform construction project scheduling consist of network analysis and critical path method of scheduling (Mubarak, 2010). Despite the fact that companies do not always stick to these methods, they often adjust their own versions similar to these methods. This essay entails answers for four questions related to project scheduling. Describe one inherent advantage and one disadvantage in measuring project duration in calendar days. Describe one intrinsic advantage and one disadvantage in measuring project duration in working days Concerning measuring project duration in calendar days, the most significant inherent advantage is that there is a diminished probability of confusion. Describe three different ways that progress on construction projects can be monitored. Which method do you believe is most efficient and effective? Provide two supporting facts to justify your position Measuring project precisely has always been a challenge.

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There are many issues involved in describing progress update. Effective project management requires controlling aspects of a construction such as quality and quantity of work, costs, and schedules to ascertain the success of the project. This section of the essay will provide three ways of measuring project progress. An example of time tracking is when the contractor has to train people for the particular durations of time or leaves the project to workers to complete and considers the work done once they have accomplished a specific period. However, to obtain reliable information on this system, the contractor has to combine this method with other progress tracking systems such as talking to the workers. The most effective and efficient method of tracking project progress is the use of percentages. One reason for this is that percentages give a real-time tracker on the project activities because the only way to implement it is by considering the tiny details in a project.

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This engages the project manager who then determines where to commit more resources and where not. Risk identification ensures that all possible risk factors are recognized. For a construction project, the project manager has to involve the project team to identify by offering suggestions and recording them regardless of whether any of the team members considers them as relevant. The contractor will then determine the events that can go wrong, recognize the potential impacts on the project, and the crucial functions that the project must conduct to reach completion or success. Responses to risk Response to risk involves identifying ways to reduce or eradicate threats to a project and seeking opportunities that might increase the amount of impact. Once the project manager designs the plan and takes an active role in identifying risks, they should understand the effects of specific risk on activities and therefore engage some risk response strategies.

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Clients generally tend to ignore that delays arising from their mismanagement can cause successive stages to go behind schedule. The contractor can cause delays when they fail to design the drawings in time and when they dedicate little resources for a project (Mubarak, 2010). To avoid these sources of delays, the contractor may provide warnings for the effects of such delays to the concerned people. The contractor can monitor and record sources of delays to ensure that they are not in their power. Some delays tend to have financial ramifications. Neumann, K. Schwindt, C. Zimmermann, J.  Project scheduling with time windows and scarce resources: Temporal and resource-constrained project scheduling with regular and nonregular objective functions. Mubarak, S.

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