Consumer behaviour analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

Analysis: Customer 2 3 2. Behavioural Approach Theory 3 2. Analysis: customer 1 3 2. Analysis: Customer 2 4 3. Formation of Attitudes 4 3. References 8 1. Cognitive Approach Theory This theory explains that learning occurs as an outcome of consumer rational thinking. This theory explains that consumers make purchasing decisions based on the mental process rather than the association of stimuli and repetition. It is based on the idea that the consumer processes the information that they have, how they keep the information they have and how they will retrieve the information they have based on certain products and services (Hawkins et al 2010) 1. Analysis: customer 1 Sean had information on the quality and performance of Honda cars since his father had one of the cars. Analysis: Customer 2 Sehaj wanted to purchase a new car so that she could fulfil her basic transportation needs. The fact that she had the need of transport drove her to purchase the car.

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Sehaj wanted to satisfy her needs for transport and this motivated her to go and purchase the Toyota car. Formation of Attitudes Learning theory states that attitudes develop as an outcome of modes of learning. The modes of learning are classical conditioning and observation. Microculture refers to a small group of people within a larger culture. Microculture involves people of the same social class, age group, religious affiliations, regional location and ethnic background. Culture and micro-culture play important in influencing consumers buying habits. A consumer makes purchasing decisions based on their beliefs, income, social status in the society and the same make decisions based on their religious beliefs (Belk et al 2013). Analysis: customer 1 and customer 2 Sean and Sehaj are of the same social class since they are both working. If the products and services exceed the customer’s expectations and fulfil of the customer’s needs and want this will lead to post-purchase satisfaction thus resulting in positive disconfirmation.

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If the products and services fail to meet the expectations of the customer will be dissatisfied and this will lead to negative disconfirmation (Oliver, 2014). Analysis: customer 1 Sean had an idea concerning the performance of Honda cars based on family experience. The fact that his dad explained to him on his own experience on the quality, service and performance of Honda cars made him choose Honda cars as one of his alternatives of the list of cars that he wanted to purchase. The fact that Honda car that his dad owned satisfied his dad’s needs and gave him the best services make Sean purchase Honda car. Sehaj was completely satisfied with the purchasing decision that she made. Sehaj expects to purchase Toyota brands in future since they give her the best services and performances.

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The Toyota brands are of high quality and they meet her desired needs and expectations. Sehaj is a loyal customer since she purchased her new car from the same company that she had purchased her previous car. She proves to be a loyal customer since she is more likely to purchase another car in future from the same Toyota Company since she was fully satisfied with the car that she purchased. Sehaj had past experience with the Toyota cars and she knew that the cars were of high quality and their performances were great. She made her own purchasing decision without getting any advice from friends, family members or colleagues. Sehaj wanted to buy a new car so that she could fulfil her transportation needs. Her ability to make the decision on her own falls on the assumption of individual’s intentional behaviour on the Theory of Planned Behaviour.

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References Hawkins, D. Emerald Group Publishing. Oliver, R. L. Satisfaction: A behavioural perspective on the consumer: A behavioural perspective on the consumer. Routledge.

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