Contrast Freud's Psychodynamic Theory of Personality with the Five Factor Trait Model
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
With globalization, technology, and global changes in the recent times, understanding the attributes and thoughts of a person requires a lot of understanding on various concepts. According to Cherry, 2018, with multiple personality perspectives, it is easy to understand why people differ in various levels of understanding. Various scholars developed theories and concepts to offer useful insights and information regarding personality. For example, in his works, Freud Sigmund has highlighted the essential issues surrounding early childhood development, the sexual instincts, and the formation of personality in a person as he or she gradually grows. D. The psychology of a person differs in various levels of situations and understanding the reasons behind the behavior is essential (MBV, 2016). In the theory of psychodynamic of person uses the three components to understand the behavior, thoughts and emotional patterns in an individual.
Using the id component, the theory gives detailed information on why people have different feelings towards something or someone. For example, in the society today, there are smokers and drug addicts, and they undertake those activities to confirm their behavior. Even though most of them understand the harm, they want to satisfy their thoughts. Freud believed that there are no biological reasons as to why people behave differently as the age progresses. The Freud's model further defines the behavior that results in life experiences both in the presence and in the future. To understand a person, Freud believed in the conscious thinking patterns and actions of an individual through accurate representation. The Five-Factor Trait Model According to the Five Factor Trait Model, a factor is a broader idea that defines the small traits in a person.
D. According to Jackson & Soto, 2018, individuals who are open to developing a broader personality and are likely to experience many things in life. Besides, they are perceived to be a risk taker. Agreeableness shows the compassionate and cooperative attributes of a person towards others. For instance, when a person is always jealousy of others in either social or working environment, he or she does not establish a lasting relationship, and the interactions are affected significantly. The components of the trait include honesty and trust (Kendra & Gans, 2018). It helps in understanding the control behavior in a person. The dimensions of the trait include good impulse control, high level of thinking, and goal oriented person. People who are conscientious have high chances of spending a lot of time preparing and doing their assigned duties and roles.
However, they always end up giving their best in everything they do. The last trait in the five-factor model is the neuroticism. Another significant difference between the Freud's psychodynamic theory and the five-factor model is that the trait approach uses both nature and nurture to understand the emotions and behavioral patterns of a person whereas psychodynamic model uses the state of mind. Conclusion Personality is a complex area to comprehensive. Even though many theorists have provided useful insights and information, there is still a lot of conflicts information on the definition of behavioral, emotional and thoughts patterns of a person. The behavior of a person is relayed to the psychology of the body and mind and to understand a person, it requires adequate consideration of time and resources. The two theories above have defined personality based on the conscious and subconscious state of the mind as well as the nature of the body and social environment.
com/personality-perspectives-2795950 De Sousa, A. Freudian Theory and Consciousness: A Conceptual Analysis. Mens Sana Monogr. Gray, R. M. Retrieved August 07, 2018, from Oxford bibliographies: http://www. oxfordbibliographies. com/view/document/obo-9780199828340/obo-9780199828340-0120. xml Kendra, C. Gans, S. J. Widiger, T. A. Dimensional models of personality: the five-factor model and the DSM-5. Dialogues Clin Neurosci.
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