Corporate Accounting essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Accounting

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Thus, the dividend yield raises, as there is a rise in the market capital. The company’s business activities and the financial performance can be attributed to the success story written by the same organization through fruitful investment and good managerial skills. Introduction Both domestic and international operations in the air transportation make the services offered more inclusive and impact based to all those served. In fact, Quantas Airways Limited’s investment in air transport has become impact-based and influential in shaping the communities success stories. Ensuring consumer satisfaction makes meeting the organizational goals an easy task not only for the management but also for the organization and the community served. Draft a report incorporating the following points in relation to your selected company Introduction The Quantas Airways Limited situated in Australia is a based company that operates both domestic and international airlines (Chang et al.

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The transportation services that are handled by Quantas Company are both domestic and international operations that involve the transportation services. The routine scheduling is in the best way to enable sufficient provision of freight services. The operations in the Qantas Airways is handled in different sectors, which include the following segments; Qantas Freight, Qantas Domestic, Qantas Loyalty, Qantas International, Jetstar Group, and Corporate. The Qantas Domestic, Qantas International and Jetstar Group segments include passenger-flying businesses (Chang et al. There are competitors in the field who are after the provisions of the services and the properties that are similar to the Qantas’ (Chang et al. The domestic competitors makes the fall of the revenue to the industry due to provision of almost same services that attract the people and makes them arise up the ladder.

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The competitors that emerged in the previous years has made the airline to offer unpredictable discounts to the airfare (Douglas & Tan, 2017). This makes it unworthy to the shareholders as it makes them incur huge losses of large amounts to the discount offers (Vogel, 2016). The capacity being added by the carriers and therefore making it unworthy for the management to recognize the international air travel abating (Douglas & Tan, 2017). There have been an increase in the companies income and the output in turn has increased and hence an improved per capita (Lovelock & Patterson, 2015). This has led to the increment in the economy initiated by the Quantas Company (de, 2018). Finances and Financial performance The company has had loans from organizations that provide them with the financial stability to enable them own some aircrafts, which are being used as the collaterals, where the analysts and the bankers noted it as the world’s best financing aviation in the world (Douglas & Tan, 2017).

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Qantas is rather trying to structure the financing tool that is used to monetize the all of its assets. Adjustments in the pricing is done from the immediate change or addition of an aircraft in the pool. The preferential status and the access to their lounges, the priority check ins and also the upgrades (Chang et al. This initiative enables the airline to be capable of following its goals and the available attempts to be allocating the best value and the mutual attempts to the success. The external providers of the loans are more profound to having the best leans to lend them the value of the profits gained in the industry (Douglas & Tan, 2017). They are more profiting and benefiting as they provide the best loan interests and all best outfits of the amounts, this is to be let to give an evolution to the Qantas Company (Chang et al.

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The reporting presented by the director is that the financial reports were consistent to having an optimal power of capital structure that minimize the cost of capital in the groups. Intangible assets refer to a wide range of contents that include such things as trademarks, corporate culture, proprietary technology, customer relationships, patents, corporate image among others (Homsombat, Lei & Fu, 2014). Concerning these intangible resources, they are known of playing a necessary role in the process of production and operation of enterprises (Chang et al. They are the assets, which are of the deep root in the history of the firm since they are believed to have accumulated over time (Douglas & Tan, 2017). The reason behind all the above is that, they are having unique patterns that are composed of the routines and again they are too hard to imitate and to analyze (de, 2018).

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For the goodwill that is the same as reputation of any organization is recognized with a very high and increasing value of assets that are intangible and that are easily disrupted by bad and unworthy strategies as well as campaigns regarding marketing (Chang et al. The strategy to work while maintaining forward thinking comes out of performing the technological innovations in order to be quality performers as well as the head of airline business in both the product and the services (Douglas & Tan, 2017). The above strategy is the one used to be part of their culture as well as the innovation has and will always be considered about both their customers’ demand together with shareholder’s needs. Safety first is the strategy that concerns Qantas (Lovelock & Patterson, 2015). Safety is first the inner soul of this company because of the desires of the company in order to be both the most effective safety training and the world’s reporting.

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At large, Qantas focus on performance, flying safety, security, safety management, occupational health as well as safety (Chang et al. Park, H. S. Jeong, J. B. Lee, J. Homsombat, W. Lei, Z. Fu, X. Competitive effects of the airlines-within-airlines strategy–Pricing and route entry patterns.  Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 63, 1-16. Qantas attacks the right to strike.  Green Left Weekly, (1049), 8. Talan, K.  The role and importance of air traffic in the function of tourism development in the Republic of Croatia(Doctoral dissertation, Ekonomski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu). Vogel, H.

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