Corporate social responsibility role in sustainable development

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Traditionally, sustainable development had an environmental awareness as compared to the current spectrum of issues discussed by the SDGs. Different motivations and nature of CSR contribution to sustainable development have as well evolved. Hart’s ‘Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm’ school of thought linked a company’s competitiveness to its relationship with the natural resources. At the time, sustainability’s view was constrained to environmental management as seen in Hart’s view that had three facets: pollution prevention, product stewardship, and suitability (Hart 1995, 987). The modern view of sustainability is more complex and encompasses almost all aspects of society. Finally, CSR is seen as volunteering; companies recognize their roles in the attainment of sustainability and effect assumes the characters on a voluntary basis.

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It is important to note that it is also true that government initiatives, and community expectations motivate CSR activities. The resource-based view of the firm integrated the importance of the internal firm capabilities and environmental factors to achieve sustained growth (Behringer & Szegedi 2016, 4). The proponents of the natural resource-based of the firm scantly anticipated that the markets would be constrained by and mostly dependent on nature. While this view was narrow, it is important to note that the out of the seventeen SDGs to be achieved in 2030, six of them address physical environment related aspects. Business contributes to these needs through the provision of gainful employment, promoting innovation to produce needs such as food and clothing at affordable costs (Behringer & Szegedi 2016, 10) Business practices that foster sustainability also give special consideration for human rights.

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Workplaces are increasingly promoting human dignity as seen in efforts such as the introduction of workplace daycare for breastfeeding mothers. Also, the business sphere plays an essential role in developing peace, freedom, the rule of law and security through transparent financial services to starve criminal and terrorist organizations funding, as well as the upholding trading embargos with regions believed to be orchestrating inhumane activities. The final dimension of sustainable development is cooperation among the various parties such as states. Sustainability encourages relationships built on good faith, global partnerships, and continuous dialogue, and most importantly, the participation of all the relevant parties. Google’s CSR directly contributes to the SDG in a number of ways. Its innovative products that are available and the provision of accessing to information across the world collectively tackles and contributes towards the attainment of gender equality, reduction of poverty, enhancing quality education.

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On the other hand, its contribution in environmental management solutions such as free satellites and Google Earth application contribute towards the goals of climate action, life on land, industry innovation and infrastructure. The energy solutions on the hand contribute to the goals of affordable clean energy, responsible consumption and production and inspires the achievement of sustainable cities and communities. Since each of the goals of the SDG are interlinked, solving the problems related to climate change and environmental management, directly impacts food security and therefore, the attainment of zero hunger, good health and wellbeing. The importance of CSR in achieving the SDGs was demonstrated from the representation of the private sector during the negotiation of the global sustainable agenda (Alvarado-Herrera 2015, 254). The UN Global Compact of 2016 outlined specific roles of corporations, both small enterprises, and large organization, in the realization of the SDGs.

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Foremost, 20 of the largest corporations across the globe signed the Human Rights Open Letter whereby moving forward human rights is part of management education. Management education with a focus on human rights ensures that organizational decision put into consideration aspects such as poverty, hunger, health, education, and gender equality. It, therefore, follows that such organization CSR initiatives are focused on activities that aim at attaining some of the targets of the SDGs I through 5. Companies are increasingly involved in initiatives that fight against corruption an activity that leads to the attainment of economic growth and reduced inequalities. Corruption activities plague not only government institutions but have also become rampant in the private sector. One instance of corruption for example in the medical supplies department denies millions of people access to healthcare, the right to life and poor quality of life for conditions that are preventable or manageable.

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However, when companies step in and fund institutions that fight corruption, restrain themselves from trading in regions with say an arms embargo or create means to volunteer information that potentially prevents crime, the company indirect contributes to several SDGs. Foremost, by not participating in corruption, the company pushes the goal of peace, justice, and strong institutions closer to reality. References Alvarado-Herrera, Alejandro, Enrique Bigne, Joaquín Aldas-Manzano, and Rafael Curras-Perez. “A Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Following the Sustainable Development Paradigm. ” Journal of Business Ethics 140 (2): 243–62. https://doi. org/10. ” Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society. https://doi. org/10. 1108/cg-01-2018-0030. Hart, Stuart L. 1002/bse. Moon, Jeremy. “The Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility to Sustainable Development.

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