Creating a supportive academic environment

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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Similarly, learners want to feel valued and cared for by their classroom teacher who wields a great deal of power for literary controlling their destiny for much of the time of the week. Students then reciprocate with their willingness to comply with their teacher’s wishes (Willis, 2008). To effectively create a positive and supportive learning environment, the teacher should show appreciation to the community and families, understand the students’ cultural backgrounds, respect and embrace diversity, create positive teacher-student interaction, cross-classroom sharing, and above all use relevant accommodations to enable all learners to access grade-level content. In my belief when you have a strong foundation and outer layer of the school (community and families) it will provide a positive environment inside school and classrooms. Also, students want to have that feeling of security.

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It will allow teachers to not only educate themselves but educate their students on different avenues of diversity. By doing this, it is showing that respect is provided in both directions. Teaching and learning about different diversities are providing a better understanding that while everyone is different, in the most vital ways, everyone is the same and should be treated with the utmost respect. Showing respect for and rapport with students and teaching them how to respect and build rapport with their peers creates a positive environment for learning (Killion, 2010) by enhancing the interaction between the teacher and learners. Besides, acknowledgement, appreciation and respect for learners’ differences including cultural, backgrounds, interests, skills and talents, intelligence, and disabilities make teachers be true educators (Boynton & Boynton, 2005). In order for anything to be successful, you have to find a way to unite and then expand.

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As such, the teacher has to use appropriate instructional accommodations. Showing respect for diversity and ensuring that every learner feels valued and cared for also entails providing accommodations during instruction and assessments that not only enhance equal access to grade-level content but also ensures that students with or without a disability are actively engaged and participate in classroom activities. In this way, the needs of all children with varied strengths and needs are met. Accommodations should be in such a way that they mitigate the effects of a student’s disability without lowering the learning expectations. For those with learning disabilities, the teacher should use multi-modal techniques to present important information in a manner that addresses various learning styles and strengths. Clearly, state the objectives of lessons and review previous lessons using many ways to explain information (DO-IT, 2012).

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They should be given enough time to understand directions and should access study guides. The visually impaired should be placed close to the board while those who are deaf should learn using captioned videos and given the opportunity to watch many times. Sign language is very important for these learners. You don’t want them to feel that they have to start all over when entering a new grade. I think it would make a big difference when a student starts off with a new grade with a new teacher and feels that special connection. In addition, teamwork is crucial in cross-classroom sharing. When teachers work collaboratively across classrooms, they are able to exchange ideas, points of view, resources, and strategies that support building a network of culturally responsive classrooms which ultimately contribute to the success of all students (Killion, 2010).

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Teachers also need to know how their backgrounds and beliefs impact their teaching and such awareness would increase through sharing. Boynton, C.  The educator's guide to preventing and solving discipline problems. Alexandria: ASCD. DO-IT.  Academic Accommodations for Students with Learning Disabilities. org/programs/Documents/Testing/2012MDAM_Section_4. pdf Picard, D.  Teaching Students with Disabilities.  Vanderbilt University. Retrieved 2 March 2018, from https://cft.

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