Creating my dream job

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Primarily, a forensic accountant is a financial detective who help to identify and prevent white-collar crimes. Bhasin (2015) posits that a forensic accountant is assigned with the duty of conducting white-collar crime investigations, conduct a detailed review into the said crime, and point out any instance of fraudulent financial activity in an organization. Other than conducting a diligent investigation for fraudulent financial crimes, a forensic accountant may work in organizations of sizes, law, and government agencies, non-governmental organizations, estates, work for individuals, and any other person who may be in need of the services of the forensic accountant (Bhasin, 2016). In other words, a forensic accountant has myriad opportunities to work in different sectors compared to other careers like clinical officers or geologists.

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With these regards, a forensic officer can uncover many forms of criminal financial activities, and they include money laundering, embezzlement of public funds, fraud, concealment of assets, and concealment of debts among other fraudulent economic activities (Singleton & Singleton, 2010). In this case, for the officer to execute his or her duties as expected, he or she must be knowledgeable about the GAAP or GAS violations which include insurance claims, bankruptcy fraud, telemarketing frauds, white collar crimes, money laundering, credit card fraud, tracing hidden assets, computer application design, and financial data analysis (Bhasin, 2016). Good written and communication skills are critical for any career because people need to communicate and exchange ideas or seek clarification in the areas that they feel that things are not clear.

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Like any other career, a forensic accountant is required to have excellent communication and written skills which will allow him or her to relate with other people they work with or their organizations. Most importantly, the written skills enable the forensic officer to pay close attention to every detail, work independently without any coercion, remain objective in his or her duties, be analytical, have integrity, and be credible and systematic throughout his or her career (Bhasin, 2016). Hence, a forensic officer must be equipped with excellent written and communication skills to facilitate his or her work. Other than monitoring the trends in the market, the organization also needs to control what the employees are doing currently and plan about what they will be doing in the future to ensure that the firm maintains the best employees.

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As a result, the firm will maintain a competitive edge in the industry against their competitors. R- Reward. A business entity needs to motivate their employees by rewarding performance. T- Transformative. Additionally, the plan shall access the number of incentives I receive after completing the projects assigned to me. More than that, the performance appraisal for my dream job shall evaluate my participation in other training and ability to grasps class instructions. Also, during my line of duty, the assessment shall plan on how and when I should attend other professional workshops, and conferences to improve my skills such that I can execute my duties competently. Rationalizing for appraisal program The performance appraisal for my dream job above is based on the criteria recommended by the U.

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