Critical Review of The triple bottom line of corporate responsibility
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Management
Technology is among the many major factors that contribute to the awareness towards Corporate Responsibility. Consequently, it has led many researchers to focus more on the topic especially in the developed nations. The studies that are being carried on the developed nations seem to be limited. In the article, The triple-bottom-line of corporate responsibility: Assessing THE attitudes of present and future business professionals across the BRICS' Ralston, Egri, and Karam (2015) shared some of the in-depth findings regarding the link between meso-level factors, macro-level factors and corporate responsibility attitudes of business professionals in BRIC nations. This paper, therefore, seeks to give a critical review of the article. Also, it becomes easier when numbers are perceived to be large enough, to overlook the environmental and social dimension that a business is taking concerning its decisions.
The reason for this is that average decisions in firms are made by relating the projected costs and gains regarding dollars and only focusing on the rest of the dimensions of that decision. The study lays a foundation for possibly successful research in the future for the BRIC nations. The Range and Depth of Academic Arguments and Model The academic arguments presented in the article highlight the increasing depth and breadth of literature on corporate social responsibility. These arguments also highlight promising avenues for expanding knowledge on the issue in the future. Furthermore, the study has utilized a theoretical convergence framework to make predictions on business ideology and socio-cultural factors on attitudes of business professionals. The framework has also been used as a foundation to examine different organizational phenomena concerning values.
Research Methodology and Appropriateness The description of the participants was detailed enough explaining the category of participants as well as the sampling procedure. However, the section fails to explain whether ethical guidelines were followed during the selection of participants as well as whether their consent to participate in the study was obtained (Kothari 2004). The article states that participation was voluntary and the anonymity of the participants was ensured throughout the process. Robustness of Research Findings The researcher seems to have a found a correlation between the societal survival values and the significance of economic, corporate responsibility as well as the significance of social and environmental corporate responsibility. Also, there was a negative link between the level of economic development and the significance of economic, corporate responsibility. The findings of the research may assist managers in organizations to restructure their political and governing systems to bring about social development via corporate activities (Painter‐Morland 2006).
Additionally, the findings can help the manager to foresee the future trends of business professionals in according corporate environmental responsibility with greater importance. Through the findings of the study, managers may have a better understanding of their role towards creating an environmental value across all business sectors in the continent. Even though there appear to be questionable arguments concerning the appropriateness of the method of conducting research, the article has significant contributions to future studies on the values and attitudes of businesses of organizations across the world. Besides, the findings of the study may be useful to today's managers regarding helping them promote corporate activities that drive social, economic and environmental corporate responsibility. Bibliography Adu-Boahen, K. Barima, A. K. Social Responsibility and Professional Ethics in Management: Does It Matter?. URL: www.
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