Cross Cultural Negotiation Research Assignment

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Cultural Studies

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Some countries, people or businesses are known to be good negotiators due to specific characteristics such as the negotiating power and influence (Dür et al. and Graf et al. Negotiation is a social practice and process that takes into consideration the factors of communication and other cultural features. Therefore, to simply define negotiation, it is the usage of a reasonable dialogue for conflict resolutions, development of amicable agreements, the achievement of laid down goals as well as the creation of mutual and beneficial relationships between and amongst the parties involved (Adair et al. There are various components of negotiation that impact the process and the result of the negotiation. collectivism. Societies that have a high individualism content portray a sense of self-dependence and do not embrace the social coercion and even societal functional groups.

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Societies, where individualism is highly embraced, have a lifestyle whereby individuals want to be independently left to run their activities (Jetten et al. On the other hand, societies that have taken root in collectivism, which is also referred to as group orientation, highly embrace the societal bond by valuing the structure and importance of functional social groups, and interdependence (Nguyen et al. These are the kind of societies whereby individuals want to be closely connected to a certain social network. On the other hand, the French people who are dominated by individualism may tend to portray respect to an individual or otherwise private opinions. In this dimension, communication takes a direct dimension whereby everyone has the liberty to air his or her opinions confidently. This, therefore, means that getting a straight no during a negotiation is more likely to happen.

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They are more inspired by their standards, and decision making is majorly based on their personal experiences, principles, as well as the maximization of their self-value instead of societal norms and values as it can be seen in the case of collectivism (Halkos et al. Interruption during dialogue is more often done as the French people deem this as a form of entertainment. This is an effort to eliminate ambiguity. This characteristic of high uncertainty avoidance also makes the French individual value rules, regulations, and laws in their processes. Their businesses operate under strict rules which are developed by the community and the country lawmakers. On the other hand, the Hong Kong people have a very low score in the uncertainty avoidance index. With a score of 29, it is clear that the Hong Kong people are good with surprises and uncertainty.

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Just as there is the dimension of individualism vs. collectivism, there is also the dimension of indulgence vs. restraint. This is the manner in which individuals in society manage or try to control their impulses and desires based on their growth lifestyles (Zhou et al. This is a dimension that is primarily associated with the social function of socialization. In regards to indulgence, Hong Kong's score on this measurement as already indicated above is low at an index of 17. This, therefore, demonstrates that it is a more restrained culture. Communities or rather cultures with a low score in this measurement tend to view things with criticism as well as negativity. Also, unlike indulgent social orders, restrained social orders do not put much emphasis on happiness and recreation time. They, therefore, control the level of satisfaction of their wants and desires.

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Cultural dimension Index score France Hong Kong 1. Individualism 71 25 2. Uncertainty avoidance 86 29 3. Indulgence 48 17 Cultural dimension levels between France and Hong Kong Cultural dimension Level France Hong Kong 1. Individualism High Low 2. Adam, Madame, and Julietta Adam. Society in Paris.  The North American Review 150. Cai, Deborah A. Steven R.  Academy of Management Journal 50. Graf, Andrea, Sabine T. Koeszegi, and Eva-Maria Pesendorfer. Cross-cultural negotiations and power distance: strategies applied by Asian and European buyers and sellers in electronic negotiations.  Nankai Business Review International 3. Merkin, Rebecca S. Uncertainty avoidance and facework: A test of the Hofstede model.  International Journal of intercultural relations 30. Mitra, Subrata K. and Lion König. Notes of the Month - Hongkong - the case for optimism. The World Today, Vol. No. Jun, 1990), pp. Volkema, Roger, et al.

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