Personal Learning Profile
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Cultural Studies
May at times I find myself busy engaged in community services and working in charitable organizations. I spent most of my free time in developing programs and other systems. My fun times are the moments I find difficulties in cracking certain codes or debugging the errors I encounter during the development of the systems; the challenges help me in advancing my coding skills since I learn new things and approaches of debugging the issues. I have chosen the FLEX option degree program so that I can be able to study while focusing on my career; the option is good because the program helps the students to balance their professional work and their studies. Learning has helped me to associate with different people from different cultures. I will also learn functions of diversity in a multiracial society so that I can know how to use my profession to deliver services with diversity in healthcare.
The last learning outcome will be gaining more knowledge on how diversities works in the establishment of transnational history and how I can incorporate my Savelife system and organization to function across the world so that more people can benefit and appreciate the services offered. The dangers of a single story reflection A single story reflection is the understanding of a story from one side without considering other factors that the storytellers or narrators have not mentioned and incorporated in their stories. The single stories create some stereotypes, which are untrue and incomplete. I have had experiences with single stories. One of my belief is that advancements in technology can be used in improving existing healthcare services. It is true to argue that way because the use of technology has increased accessibility and record management in the healthcare sector.
Mobile systems and websites such as the Savelife which is a product of my nongovernmental organization have enabled people who need blood to get blood from recipients who match their rhesus factor. Besides that, having stayed in the United States and seen the advancement’s in technology and how it is incorporated in the healthcare sector, I believe that Pakistan can also be able to adopt the technologies used so that it can be able to deliver better healthcare services. Interprofessional Awareness The Information Technology field has some cultural competence standards that should be adhered to by every profession. For example, policies pertaining regular assessments of communities are similar to regular assessments of the systems and software. The only difference is the CLAS standards aim at improving the healthcare operations and services while the Information technology standards help in improving the system of software standards.
thinkculturalhealth. hhs. gov/pdfs/EnhancedNationalCLASStandards. Indianapolis (IN): Adayana Government Group. Interdisciplinary cultural competence Training in cultural competence is important to everybody offering healthcare services. It helps the service providers to understand the importance of providing total care. Running a nonprofit organization such as Savelife that offers healthcare services requires cultural competence and diversity training; the diversity training helps in the expansion of knowledge so that an individual can be able to change certain attitudes of bias and stereotypes. The challenges of serving minority communities are increasing on a daily basis, and the only way of delivering the best services and meeting the demands of the people is by training. Knowing healthcare and cultural competence will help me to come up with the correct software and systems that will accommodate everybody in the society.
Literature Book Summary All societal aspects are marred by ethnic, cultural, and racial disparities, which are mostly documented and experienced, in the healthcare sector. Kon, 97. People from different racial groups suffer from unequal proportions from heart diseases, cancer, HIV and AIDS, and other diseases that deprive them of the lives. People fail to provide cultural competence that can be able to save the lives of the individuals suffering. The story of Lacks shows some miscommunication and ethical issues that patients encounter. The Heritage of the Lacks family affected how the medical community viewed them. Due to their lack of understanding, the physicians proceeded without communication or explanations behind the excision of the tissue samples. The family heritage also affected their view on the medical services offered by the hospital with history has it that the Hospital was built for a scientist to get research topics (Skloot, p.
In the 1950s, most of the people seeking for medical care anything from the doctors so that they can receive treatment. Skloot, R. Turpin, B. The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks.
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