Customer Loyalty and Relationship Marketing in Franchises

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

The idea is to increase the current rate of 85% customers annually. The increase can only happen if the current and new clients will feel satisfied and that why it was necessary to revise the systems and strategies that govern that kind of ‘marriage. ’ One way of doing this is to follow up a client after the sales to prove to them that their feedback is appreciated. Franchising especially when the franchisor like C. Fun Parks wants to control part of the activities then the franchisee acts as a medium for facilitating feedback in the business. To avoid such scenarios the C. Fun Parks adopted the franchising initiative where franchisees would sell the trademark of the company but a significant control of business was left to the parent company.

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The report analyzed the importance and challenges affecting the franchise and franchisees in the franchising business. The study centered on a case study of the C. Fun Parks that a better part of it is controlled by franchisees both domestically and internationally. The franchisor and franchisees will benefit from the CRM in the following ways; 1. The franchisees will be in a position to telecommunicate with clients who want to book spaces. In that case, they will have reduced chances of French clients visiting the reception and demanding for a bungalow without prior communication. The CRM software can be downloaded by the clients via their cell phones. Management of the client data will be made easy by the new software by separating their data and sales of the company.

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In this case, the McDonald share that characteristic with the C. Fun Parks, who have a pool of franchisees with plans to come up with new CRM model to improve customer satisfaction and attract more clients. Willingness to train is a key item that one must possess if he or she wants to be a franchisee at C. Fun Parks or McDonald's. The C. Fun Parks to earn the points and a possible deduction of the expenses where possible (Pansari and Kumar, 2018). One way to measure consumer satisfaction is by determining whether they have a long-term relationship with the company. In this case, since the client also wants to benefit from the wheel of loyalty they will keep visiting the franchisee branch to earn more points and in the process earn favor from the company.

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As a result, I would highly recommend for such a loyalty deal not only to reward loyal customers but also build a better relationship between them and the company. A successful C. Fun Parks will implement the idea. Merits and demerits of Franchising to the C. Fun Parks and its Franchisees The franchisor like the C. Fun Parks is able to access the best talents to manage their locations. All the franchisor need to do is to offer incentives to the franchisee to increase their sales. The C. Fun Parks has been holding joint marketing programs that train all members. Thirdly, the franchisee is able to but power necessary in running the organization. That is the reason C. Fun Parks has allowed the franchisees to own 85% of all its businesses.

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The biggest differentiator for a small business is how they interact and solve the issues affecting the customers. Meeting such demands will enable improve customer satisfaction in a certain locality. Changes are bound to happen in the process of improving customer satisfaction. The case of a change in customer relationship management that has been proposed by franchisees is a perfect example of why C. Fun Parks has continued to succeed under franchising relationship. The relevance of CRM on bolstering customer relationships The franchisees in different countries try to treat the customers the way they would like to be treated if they were the buyers. Meeting these targets need someone who wants to know the needs of the customers and provide consistent solutions to the issues that they raise in the process.

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Thus, they train as a team with a common objective (like the joint marketing program conducted by the C. Fun Parks) of attracting their customers and solving the problems that they would raise (Ck, 2015). Since the franchisee will be in direct contact with the customers, then they will apply these lessons for the benefit of their small businesses and that of the franchisor. Thirdly, the franchisee and the franchisor must know how to dig for customer’s problems to enable them to solve their issues and feel satisfied. For instance, when a customer visits a franchise with a problem the franchisee should ask him or her how they would like to be helped. The franchisees must be taught to control their emotions through listening and reassuring the complainants that the challenges they are facing will be solved.

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Finally, before the franchising deal is completed, the franchisee must be taught how to help the customers. At some point, they might not have the solutions to the issues raised but they need to assure the clients that the problem will be solved by helping them get what they want. In so doing, the franchisor will have an added advantage of cutting down the cost of operations. Conclusion The C. Fun Parks has been successful in maintaining consumer satisfaction and that is what has led to its successful franchising. The company has a joint marketing program since they believe handling consumers is critical to the success of the business. McCraw, and Childs, (2018) state that the training they offer to franchisees undergo under the C.

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