Decision making in the global marketplace

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Forecasting should be able to be done by the decision maker (Kimborough Steven, 2014). I am a skilled and knowledgeable leader faced with a lot of challenges. Most of these challenges occur when in association with another company or companies. This association may be formed when a strategic alliance is created between two organizations which help in creating a competitive advantage (Das, 2019). An example of a challenge experienced is the misrepresentation of resources. If one organization decides to use fewer resources and use most of its external deals that it might have gathered over the years, the alliance may be severed. Another challenge that may be encountered is the commitment of capabilities and resources by both members involved in the strategic alliance.

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On company, in the true spirit of development and growth may commit all its resources into the alliance while the other organization may be reluctant and therefore only commit a small portion (Failer, 2018). This will lead to a smaller success than both parties anticipated. I would solve these challenges by applying effective decision making methods that will ensure both parties get the most from the alliance while still having a competitive advantage. This will lead to better cooperation among members as they will understand each other better. Another challenge I face as a team leader is the low engagement by members of the group. Most members want to be engaged and feel as part of the group. Having members that are not fully committed and engaged to the group may not motivate the other members thus making them to perform a lot less in the group work (Bertcher, 2014).

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I will ensure I come up with policies that ensure team work and team morale is boosted. This creates a lot of pressure as members do not want to disappoint their fellow group members (Preston- Shoot, 2014). The group is also aware of the high expectations the organization puts on them. I would continually communicate with them so as to create a relaxed environment where they can exceed their potential. This will boost their confidence and they would not yield to pressure. Another major challenge faced is the lack of identity by the teams. Another technique I learnt was the multiple criteria decision analysis which offers a compromise between analysis and intuition by applying a systematic outline that encourages options against well-defined success criteria with space left for risks (Beach, 2014).

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This is one of the decision making techniques I apply so as to have a competitive advantage over my competitors. This is because I am able to run my activities effectively since the organization understands the advantages and disadvantages of the activities undertaken. It helps in purchasing of goods and services, choosing of the brand products that the organization is going to use, picking of the target and product market and upgrading of the product. One cannot make these decisions without a decision making technique (Orkand, 2014). A conducive environment should also be set where all employees are free to air their professional opinions without any bias and prejudice. This will enhance cooperation which will benefit the whole organization. Another concept I gained was that a leader should have more than just basic skills such as communication; he should also possess emotional intelligence.

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Emotional intelligence offers a lot of advantage to the organization. Leaders that show emotional intelligence foster good and comfortable working relationships as they are collaborative (Beach, 2014). They will then begin work after undergoing a three month training on ethics and integrity within the organization. I would use this method of recruitment learnt, so as to reduce discrimination, allow diversity and the inclusion of individuals from different varied cultures. After recruitment, only those that adhered to the ethics and integrity course will be engaged in the internal hiring. There will be a consent form signed that shows they will agree to the ethical standards and integrity of the firm. Respect of others cultures and beliefs should be upheld by these recruits (Shaffer et.

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Most in particular, the customers will be asked as they are the most important members of the organization. They will be asked to give their views on how the employees relate to them and if ethical practices are upheld or most are involved with fishy behaviors. From these results, the organization will be able to learn the integrity level of most of its employees. Decision making in the organization may become very difficult due to the ethical practices and cultural differences. Religion may lead to slow decision making, this is because, the members may require to attend prayers during the business days which affects the official hours, they therefore cannot be fired due to absenteeism, they will complain on the infringement of their rights (Petkoff, 2015).

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