Decision theory essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

One of the most important social skills is emotional intelligence (English, 2006). Organizations today are now looking for more than just the basic skills of leaders such as communication but also skills such as emotional intelligence which help leaders to motivate their employee and have a professional relationship. This skill refers to the ability to understand and control the emotions of oneself as a leader as well as the emotions of employees. Other than that emotional intelligence also encompasses the ability to detach oneself from short-term emotions which could affect the productivity of the employees. Emotions play an essential role in how people work and the decisions people make in a workplace setting. One of the best things about emotional intelligence is that it a trait that can be learned from observation or intentional efforts to improve.

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For a person to be emotionally intelligent, they must first understand their emotions and be able to control them as they will be in a better position to lead and understand the emotions of other people. One of the questioners that I scored very low was one of feedback. From the test, I do not ask for feedback on what I do well or how I can improve. The ability to ask for feedback either compliments or criticism and to use the information to improve on the week areas is important as it helps in building one's careers. Therefore, it is important that I communicate ideas and information in such a way to show that I am confident and excited about my ideas as it helps in persuading and convincing others to join and share the vision.

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Therefore, it is important to make employees part of the vision. However, each leader is unique and cannot be limited by the results of the assessment. Also, different organizations demand different qualities from a leader. Therefore, an individual is not expected to copy the leadership approach used in an organization to another as the workplace and employees are also unique (Shaw, 2008). There is still room for improvement (Ancona, 2009). The second assessment of leadership approach and decision making was very eye-opening. I scored 50 out of 100 which was below average. Therefore, I have a lot to do when it comes to my leadership and decision making skills. Although the questions asked are crucial in determining leadership skills, a leader should be able to be flexible enough so as to influence and guide employees of an organization in such a way the organizational goal is shared.

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As a result, other people are able to look at me as a source of inspiration. However, there are also a number of things that could hinder the success of my career such failure to consult with other people before making decisions. Although leaders should be confident in their decisions, it is important to take suggestions from other people. An organization is composed of thousands of people from different backgrounds who can offer brilliant ideas and solutions from their different experiences. Also, I get upset when things do not go as expected (Goleman et. Although leadership can be innate, it is possible for a person to learn how to guide a group of people effectively by attending conference or training (Aldag & Kuzuhara, 2015).

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One of the benefits of leadership training is that it helps in nurturing leaders by trying to identify the strengths and weakness of each person. As a result, each employee is able to implement the best leadership style depending on their weaknesses and strengths. Also, training helps in making in making better decisions and employee engagement. Finally, I would require to get a mentor to help me in my career path. This assessment, therefore, helped me to understand my weaknesses and strengths related to leadership approach and emotional intelligence. Thus, I am able to identify areas that require improvement. As a way to improve my career plans, I will enroll for leadership training and mentorship. This will not only make me more competitive in my job market but also make me a better leader.

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