Dementia Nursing Care Plan

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Out of this, his ability to walk has been affected and he can only walk with an aid of a frame. Secondly, Mr. X’s speech has been tampered and he also finds it hard to write since he is very shaky. Mr. X’s mental capacity is badly affected and the test done required that he should be allowed to go home and fully comprehend the situation. X would spend most of the time in the hospital and Mrs. X would struggle to do the home chores alone. At this time in the hospital, Mrs. X would complain to the staff that her husband would not be safe at home and she could not manage to take care of his safety at their home.

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She suggested that it would be better if he lived in a residential home and that she would visit him there on occasion. It serves as the second common cause of dementia in the world. If blood supply does not eventually reach the brain cells, the brain cells eventually die thus leading to memory loss. Other than the two main causes, dementia can also be caused by mixed causes of the two forms of dementia. It depicts features of more than one type of dementia. The causes might be abnormal structures at the same time problems in blood supply to the brain. X, the left side of his brain was badly affected. A key primary indicator of dementia here is the effects of the Mr.

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X’s stroke. One, Mr. X needed assistance to walk, his speech was affected and he felt shaky when making a write up. The referrals can be made to Mental Health Working Age adult (intake team) that is meant for people aged between 18 to 64 years working and helping their families to earn a living. Since Mr. X is still helping the family in shopping and finances, this referral will be the best destiny for him. Assessment and diagnosis The recommended intake teams will be entitled to carry out further assessment with a purpose of ruling out other mental health problems associated with stroke. Secondly, they will be tasked to arrange for neuropsychiatric testing to confirm the diagnosis of dementia in the situation of Mr.

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X requires assistance in dressing • He also requires assistance in bathing properly • Needs some resources to meet the medication • Mr. X need some support from both the specialists and family as well as carers • Requires assistance in deliver of speech • Mr. X requires good care in flushing and wiping during toileting • He further needs assistance to sit up • He needs assistance in restoring the lost smile Mr. X situation will call for a care plan to be formulated after the early diagnosis of dementia and the care plan should be initiated immediately and implemented by the family and other stakeholders to enable Mr. X to live healthily with the dementia. X • Continuous evaluation of the implemented care plan for control and monitoring • Make recommendations for further action to be done and improve the nursing care plan for the patient.

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IMPLEMENTATION Early interventions and treatments There is need for the memory clinic to carry out further tests to confirm the formal diagnosis of dementia. Once Mr. X has been diagnosed, there will be a discussion between the family and the doctors on the medication suitable for the patient according to the guidelines provided by NICE. Then, a medical management care plan will be provided to Mr. X does not have the capacity to take care of Mr. X because all the chores and the dependency will shift to her out of the diagnosis. Secondly, he is not well trained to administer the required care to a dementia patient. Since the family is committed and untrained, there will be need for a trained carer to provide the needed personal support services in nursing the dementia patient.

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Healthy People 2020 recommendations (Interventions) on dementia health Since some specific dementia health programs are not practically implemented and may not be ignored by the support team, Health People 2020 has suggest the use of the Health people eLearning for such benefits as accessibility of online educational resources with programs designed to achieve health objectives for dementia patients. The program gives the family an ease to read dashboard of health and fitness data for their own Mr. X such as heart rate, calories burned, blood sugar, and cholesterol that are threats to health wellness. Post diagnostic information and support The family (both the wife and the locally available daughter) will be provided with crucial information on treatment and support counseling for Mr. X.

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situation. , Camic, M. , & Springham, N. Mr. X will also feel good at home since he will be around the people he loves and they can frequently share love with his wife and daughter. All these can help stimulate the memory of Mr. With Mr. X being injured and walk with assistance, there is need for an organized trainer who is to address the issues and Mr. X problems, skills required for improving the current state and improve the current state of Mr. X to enable him to participate in activities and home chores. Upon recovering, Mr. X to continue to adapt to home environment and do things for himself over a longer period of time. With the help of the equipment and the assisted technology, the patient diagnosed with dementia will stay independent and can offer the carers and the family a reassurance of health, safety and full security.

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Music is said to be the best treatment to distressed patients suffering from dementia. Cool music at home will be part of the implemented programs to enable the mind of Mr. X to have good reflections on the message communicated. There are several ways that assisted technology can help people diagnosed with dementia to live happily. Simple calendar, sticky notes and noticeboard are some of the devices utilized to help people cope with memory loss at homes with the help of a trained carer. Furthermore, continence devices, pressure relief mattresses and mobility aids designed to solve mobility, sight and hearing and continence will be adapted as part of assisted technology (Beard, R. Housing related support and adaptations A collaboration role for other professional would be beneficial (holistic approach) which includes a Social Worker is to be contacted for care planning and whose role is to improve the quality of life by helping to cope solve daily issues.

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The need for a social worker is necessary because Mr. This is because the patients living with dementia are always at the risk of malnutrition and they should generally avoid nutritious meals. However, there is need to seek an advice from a dietician in cases where Mr. X no longer takes pureed food. Legal and financial advice Outstandingly, Mr. X social insurance settings are not at all like research facility settings; for the most part include a mind confusing set of conditions. The insured (Mr. X’s family) also pay a flat premium to their insurer for a policy that lower income residents receive in healthcare allowance from the government to help make payments. Cases where this legal obligation is unsatisfactory, the family can use private insurers instead of social security programs that are commonly used in most countries.

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Peer support Mr. X family has some local friends that attend coffee morning once a week. X to understand his views concerning effective methods to curb safety issues, get his expectations for care, their needs for clinical and social support programs, and their satisfactions and frustrations with the current services being administered. The participants involved in the daily services of Mr. X should interact with each other in groups to understand jointly some of the issues that normally result to safety challenges, and in the process generate useful data analysis that are not occasionally available in the daily program. For example instance, dissent between participant members about the desirability for implementing new safety measures could reveal important variation in their knowledge and needs on dementia treatment.

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Physical exercise - There is need for dementia patients to engage in human body exercise for mental health and physical fit as well. X should meet their calorie requirements as per Healthy People 2020 recommendations. The center for disease control and prevention further suggested that health diet to dementia patients especially those patients reciting at home has a lot of benefit in developing good eating cultures and behaviors that will promote healthy living. Balanced diet at early stages of dementia will prevent related diseases associated with poor nutrition in future. The FNS regulation was majorly based on the resolutions made and agreed on by Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. The regulation is meant to support and eradicate cases associated with health and diet of dementia patients.

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X and help him restore a good memory. Nature of work – several support systems has been put in place to provide a quality nursing care to Mr. X dementia condition. The nature and the context of nursing care is appropriate and effective to offer good treatment to Mr. X. X was playing before the complications. The shopping and the financing role should be done by the wife and the daughter should support her father emotionally and even in such critical conditions when need be. Secondly, the family should provide proper diet as per the directives given by the dietician and the health programs provided in eLearning. Collaboration (peers, specialist, carers and family) – there should be a clear team work to offer special nursing care to Mr.

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X dementia condition. X and how they perform specific tasks. Functional assessment evaluation Functional Efficiency Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Financial Cost effective treatment Quality equipment Cheap medical administration Improved mental and physical health 10% improvement per year 20 % recovery after one year Optimization Standardization Domiciliary services and collaboration More quality services Use of well-trained carers, dieticians and psychiatrists Fast serving time Minimal number of complaints Minimal time in treatment 98% satisfaction Quality treatment Patient loyalty Family support Improve Mr. X walking, speech problems and general health over time On-time drug and service delivery Daily care services Quality treatment Learning and growth Alignment with treatment goals Improved health 80% after 5 years Training Strategy Affordable Price Quality delivery Quick Service at the time of sale Faster delivery time Rationale The family, carers, specialists and the peers should embrace a broad definition of health and the well-being.

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Moreover, a truly healthy community encompasses the elements of mental and physical health to Mr. X. X treatment, care, comfort, activites and support. Conclusion In nutshell, a good care plan should incorporate several elements and individuals in the society. Mr. X nursing care plan involving several support systems and services would help restore both the physical and mental health condition he faces. The implemented health care interventions by the family and the adopted personal support services as well as assisted technology will boost the well-being of Mr. , Kumanyika, S. , & Fielding, J. E. Healthy people: a 2020 vision for the social determinants approach. Health Education & Behavior, 38(6), 551-557. and Pearman, C. Viewing and making art together: A multisession gallery-based intervention for people with dementia and their caregivers.

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Aging and Mental Health. De Medeiros, K. , & Basting, A. , & Brooker, D. Capturing progress in creative arts an dementia. Journal of Dementia Care, 21(1), 26-27. MacPherson, S. , Bird, M. & Camic, P. M. (2015) The impact of viewing and making art on verbal fluency and memory in people with dementia in an art gallery setting. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(4), 368-375. Camic, P. (2015) The impact of community-based arts and health interventions on cognition in people with dementia: a systematic literature review Aging & Mental Health dot: 10. 1011080 Eldirdiry Osman, S. , Tischler, V. & Schneider, J. (2014) ‘Singing for the Brain’: A qualitative study exploring the health and well-being benefits of singing for people with dementia and their carers Dementia doi: 10. (2013) Older people learning through contemporary visual art – engagement and barriers.

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