Diet and digestion

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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They also give guidelines on the sufficient dietary consumption and offer their judgements on the relationship between the health, nutrition and food intake of people (Garnett 2014) These recommendations vary with age, gender and the health of people. The recommended breakdown of the nutrients is similar to both genders; men generally need more calories than women. Men also need a higher intake of each micronutrient as compared to women. Men need more calories than women but women have higher mineral and vitamin needs as compared to men. The nutritional needs also vary with age. On the other hand, the girl’s energy requirements increase from 1845 Kcals to 2110 Kcals while the protein requirements increase from 41. 2g to 45. 0g. From the results, as the boys move from 11 years towards the age of 18years, they require more energy and proteins compared to the girls within the same period.

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The total nutrients needed by adolescents is higher than at any point in their lives. When women become pregnant, their body masses increase. The bigger the body mass of a person, the more energy they will need. This explains why the energy needs increases in pregnant women. Pregnant women also go through a lot of psychological changes that in most cases help protect the bones of the mother. The need for calcium increases in pregnant women because the developing baby needs it for their development. Potassium plays a role in regulating the balance of fluids in the body, the contraction of muscles and nerve signals. A diet rich in potassium helps reduce blood pressure and the retention of water in the body and helps protect against strokes and prevents kidney stones and osteoporosis.

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On the other hand, Zinc is found in the cells all through the body. The body requires Zinc for the immune system to work correctly. It helps in cell division, the growth of cells, breaking down of carbohydrates and in the process of wound healing. During intense exercises, there are four primary sources of energy and these include blood sugar, intramuscular triacylglycerols, blood fatty acids and muscle carbohydrates that store glycogen. Proteins are fuels for the body during this time for the anabolic processes. When there are fewer calories in the body, proteins act as sources of fuels for the body. Fats are a significant source of energy during activities like jogging, cycling and recreational activities like swimming among others. The intake of water is necessary for any diet.

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A balanced diet is food that provides the body with the necessary nutrients required to function well. For one to get the essential nutrients from their diet, they should have a meal that contains proper portions of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, water and minerals. A balanced diet is essential because the organs and tissues in our bodies work well when they get the necessary nutrients. Without the primary nutrition, our bodies will be prone to fatigue, diseases, poor performance and infections. Children who grow up with poor diets experience weak growth and development and perform poorly in school. Usually, lipids are necessary for the membranes that are found between each cell inside the myelin sheath that offers cover to the nerves.

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Over time, these excess fatty acids can lead to permanent damage to cells and tissues, more so in the brain, liver, bone marrow, spleen and the external nervous system. Lipid storage neurological complications include brain degeneration, loss of muscle tone, clouding in the cornea, difficulties in swallowing among many others. On the other hand, the body may get damaged when the white blood cells which are meant to fight diseases in the body do not function as required. A body is considered damaged if these white cells are not being produced as needed reducing the ability of the body to fight diseases. 2 2a. Unsuitable Diets and Diseases. Atheroma, the accumulation of materials in the inner layer of the artery walls may cause swellings in the arterial walls.

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According to Morton (2018), the blisters may cause intrusions into the channels of the arteries making them narrow and unable to allow for the flow of blood. Atheroma increases the risk of blood clots that could block the flow of blood to the brain and heart. However, this is not a guarantee. There are only higher chances of one developing this disease if one or both of their parents have it. According to researchers, it is easy for one to inherit the risk of diabetes type 2. Lifestyle choices people make puts them at risk of developing diabetes type 2 diseases. A person may have genetic mutations that make them stand a chance of developing this condition. Typically, the digestive system breaks down food into glucose which the body uses as fuel.

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However, a diabetic person does not have sufficient of this glucose moving into their blood cells. As a result, they are always hungry regardless of how latest they have eaten. Another symptom is increased thirst. This can be explained by the fact that constant urination hydrates the body and therefore in need of water all through. Diet has a massive impact on the development of type 2 diabetes and so tuning up an individual’s diet will help a long way. First, an individual should choose full grain products and whole grains as opposed to the processed carbohydrates. It is believed that diets rich in refined carbohydrates increases the risk of type 2 diabetes while foods rich in whole grains prevents against the threat.

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The fiber content in whole grains makes it hard for digestive enzymes to break down starch into glucose leading to slower increases in levels of blood sugar and insulin and vice Versa. Secondly, people should strive to choose tea, water and coffee over sugary drinks. Next is that people need to reduce weight if they are overweight. Majority of people who develop type 2 diabetes are overweight. Excess visceral fats contribute towards insulin resistances and inflammations thus increases the risk of diabetes type 2. Regular exercises will help reduce some of this weight. If these changes are not made, then a person risks have their blood sugars increase to levels that they may affect the cells and other organs of the body. Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes is a chronic condition where the pancreas does not produce insulin or produces little of it.

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Type 1 diabetes can be caused by some viruses and also it is genetic. However, the exact cause of it is yet to be found (Atkinson, Eisen Barth and Michel 2014). The immune system of the body that is meant to fight the harmful bacteria by mistake destroys the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. Genetics is also another cause of this condition alongside the exposure to environmental factors and viruses. W. Type 1 diabetes.  The Lancet, 383(9911), pp. Asif, M. The prevention and control the type-2 diabetes by changing lifestyle and dietary pattern. html Garnett, T. , Appleby, M. C. , Balmford, A. , Bateman, I. What is a sustainable healthy diet? A discussion paper. Iron Requirements for Women Over 50. 2012, July 26. Retrieved from https://healthyeating. sfgate.

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